Monthly Archives: December 2016

69- The God of Christmas.


What does is mean that God has come into the world? Is the nativity story the only time that has happened? If not, why is the birth of Jesus so emphasized in the church? In this conclusion of this Advent series I will explore the two common ways that the Jewish prophesy of Isaiah 9 is unfolding before us. It is my hope that by placing these two approaches next to each other, that you will intuit on a deep, soul level the difference between conversion and completion, and in doing so, discover that the God of Christmas has awakened all of our hearts.

68-The God of Everyone


Is there a God? Is God just a conception of man? Is God just a myth like the tooth fairy designed to comfort us? In this Advent series post and podcast I will explore why religion is never discussed at a dinner party and how everyone who ever lived is a person of faith. I will do this by proving that mathematics and theology utilize a similar framework which levels the playing field for all people while allowing for a vast diversity of experiences.



67- The God of Disappointment.



We all come face to face with disappointment. It can be very unpleasant until we learn what disappointment really is. In this Advent series of podcasts and posts, I will show how disappointment is ultimately the result of us encountering wider aspects of the truth which we suppress rather than love. Trying not to set our hopes too high doesn’t work, but going with the flow, or following the invitation that is present within disappointment will bring us into a place that is impossible to reach without this particular kind of suffering. Discover the benevolence of disappointment.




66-The God we don’t Anticipate.


For most people, the idea of Advent is either primarily or exclusively an historical consideration if it is anything at all. The arrival of God in the world is certainly celebrated this time of the year, but very few people can reconcile a “Savior is Born” with the evening news. In this post and podcast I pose the question: What if the Advent of God is not limited to a history lesson, but is gazing at us each time we look in a mirror?