Monthly Archives: June 2017

93- Dimensions and the Proof of God


A line has one dimension. A square has two dimensions. A cube has three. We know that time is the fourth dimension, but what is after that? In this podcast and post I will prove the existence of God by proving the existence of the spiritual (non-physical) dimension. I will prove this dimension exists by utilizing mathematics which comes from this non-physical dimension. For our post-modern, rationally based, scientific world, the genesis of discovering one’s spiritual capacity comes primarily from a rational basis for faith. That is the moment of conception for a journey unlike any other. Where will it take you?


92- What is Worship?


Worship is a deeply spiritual experience but not as you may assume. Worship is not something that only religious people do. In this podcast and post I will explain why worship is seen as an aspect of competitive religious claims and why there is so much confusion about what it really is. We all worship, but it’s not as cliché as WHO or WHAT we worship. I will suggest that worship goes beyond what we know. Worship is the thing beyond the thing that we usually call worship. It is the sacred space that is potentially accessed through every single thing in life. Ultimately worship is not sequestration, but incarnation and to truly live is the event horizon to experience the joy of God.

91- The Wealth of the Rich


Wealth and poverty are not about money. Those who make this assumption, almost always run into problems. In this podcast and post I will show how wealth is decision making skill and the most wealthy person in any environment is the one with the most decision making skill. Sacred texts have a name for this decision making skill and it’s called wisdom. Tune in to learn how wisdom is not the accumulation of knowledge but the skill to use the knowledge we possess. Furthermore, I provide the single greatest solution to eradicate economic suffering that our world has ever seen. Our engagement in this solution is not optional, and our suffering correlates directly to our disengagement.


90-The Poverty of the Poor


How do you define poverty? What is the cause of poverty? In this podcast and post I will prove that poverty is not what we commonly assume. Most of what we call poverty is actually the by-product of poverty. Is there something wrong with affluence? Do we live in a zero-sum world where the stingy are accumulating at the expense of others? The definition I bring challenges these assumptions and the solution I offer is not what you may think.