Monthly Archives: August 2017

101- part 2, The CHRIST Jesus


What I’m sharing today is not new, but is likely something of which you have not heard. In today’s post and Podcast I contrast the narrow view of the ruined Jesus from last week with the cosmic view of Christ. I believe a truncated Christology has ruined Jesus and turned Christianity into an alternative religion which was never the goal of its founder. The cosmic Christ is throughout scripture and world history and has many names, one of which is Jesus. The implications of this can and will change everything.

100-The Ruined Jesus


When someone mentions Jesus in an ordinary situation things will instantly become awkward. There is a reason for this and it may not be what you think. Jesus has been characterized in countless ways. In this 100th episode of the Kevkast and in this post I will explain why these portrayals of Jesus are too small to address the honest questions of our culture and the scope of our present reality and cosmos. A Jesus that is too vengeful, too exclusive, too far off, too unloving is actually a Jesus that is too small. A small (particular) Jesus might work for an individual, but it ruins it for everyone else.


99- What is Sin?


The subject of sin is one that makes most people unplug, unsubscribe or disconnect. I hope you don’t today. In this podcast and post I am not going where you probably think I am. Instead I will explain how the concept of sin is a universal understanding and all systems and religions have some plan for dealing with sin. Of course the solution we choose has everything to do with the definition we use. I will introduce a surprisingly paradoxical solution that is often missed by modern Christianity which promotes a sin management system. I will prove how sin is the opposite of faith and as such the solution is not limited to a particular belief, but faith. Sin, in the end, is the design of love so that we will neither miss God nor our purpose in the world.