Tag Archives: One World

253-One World 10-Good News for the World

“Are you ready for some Good News?”

Our world seems like it’s disintegrating right before our eyes. It seems foolishness, suffering and evil are gaining ground. People are more divided than ever. Is it any wonder the “Good News” or Gospel taught by religion has been an evacuation strategy? In today’s podcast and post I will show you that the Good News is better than that?

Join me now as reveal how everything we’ve been taught to believe fits within a much bigger framework. Let’s switch to the wide-angle lens so we can see just how good the Good News actually is and then we’ll quickly realize why we can’t risk believing it.

252-One World 9-The Sin of the World

“What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “Sin?”

Is sin merely a “bad deed” we do? Is it the “good deed” we didn’t do? In today’s podcast and post we look closer at how this Kindergarten understanding of sin has allowed institutionalized religion to manipulate our emotions and our behavior. We all see the sin and evil problem that exists in the world, so why hasn’t religion been able to solve it?

Join me now as we see beyond the legal problem of sin and discover why the sin problem is actually ontological and why that means religious solutions will continue to fail us. Is there any hope for the world? Yes, and it’s really good news.

250 One World 7-Christianity as Imperial Overreach

“How well do you know Christianity?”

In the West, the Institution of the Christian religion has been the most dominant system of faith, but has been losing it’s influence as people increasingly reject the traditions of their parents. In today’s podcast and post we’ll discover that not all people are rejecting the faith, but instead, they are abandoning the dark shadow of institutionalized religion. 

Join me now as we learn to see the voice that continues to call people out from the overreach of imperial religion and into a living faith which exists beyond everything.

249-One World 6-Buddhism as the Monitored Life

“How well do you know Buddhism?”

The Buddhism we bump into in the West is not the austere, contemplative wisdom that emerged from Siddhartha in the East. Modern western Buddhism has been pillaged by postmodernism in much the same way as all systems of faith. In today’s podcast and post I will show that reducing enlightenment to a meme, and cherry picking a few ideas with essentially an atheistic, amoral existence, is not subscribing to Buddhism.

Join me now as we see why this system of faith has been preferentially highjacked by the West, and what it really means to pursue an enlightened life.

248-One World 5: Hinduism as the Unmanifested

“How well do you know Hinduism?”

Sure, we may know about yoga, meditation or gurus from a distance, but what does the West really understand about what some call the world’s oldest religion?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our One World series with a vital consideration of Hinduism.

Join me now as we see beyond the thirty-three million little deities and discover a monotheistic belief system that has influenced the entire world.

247-One World 4- Islam as Older Brother

“How well do you know Islam?”

There are very few religions that create such hostile fear as Islam. Like all religions, when we see the fundamentalist side, we see the absolute worst of it. In today’s podcast and post we continue our One World series with a look at Islam and discover that it’s hostility has always been the case but it doesn’t need to be.

Join me now as we see Islam within the tale of two brothers, and discover that Mohammad’s call to “total submission” may not be something to fear.

246- One World 3: Judaism as Archetype

“How well do you know Judaism?”

That’s a loaded question, but it’s important if we are to gain the trajectory of understanding that this series will offer. If your answer caused you to think about traditions, holidays, and Kosher religious practices, then my point is already made.

In today’s podcast and post we continue with our One World series and focus upon Judaism as the archetype of religion. Can our world ever get along and be at peace if each religion is competing with each other? Is the answer to homogenize them all together or to cherry pick those parts we prefer? NO. Join me now as we pull back to see beyond everything and what it means to be a child of Abraham.

244- One World 2-Science, Data and the search for Truth

“How much FAITH do you put in science?”

If you are like most people, the answer is: “a lot.” But is science worthy of this kind of loyalty and trust? In today’s podcast and post, we continue part 2 of our “One World” series where we take a critical look at science.

Join me now as we deconstruct the religion of science and expose why facts and data don’t mean that much to our world anymore. Despite all the good that science provides, we will see beyond its truth claims and examine precisely why science cannot lead our troubled world into peace.

243- One World: 1 Expanding Our View

“Do you think it’s possible for a diverse world to live in peace and equity? I do.

In today’s podcast and post we begin a series that will reveal how our world has gone off track in its pursuit of unity. In our efforts to end the pain and suffering of those marginalized by our society, we have turned to institutional power which has elevated uniformity and agreement over diversity and unity.

Join me now as we see beyond our dividing lines of religion, race, and politics into the greatest human rights violation that has ever existed, the loss of our true self.