Tag Archives: pastors

259-Called Out 1-Paid Clergy

“How would you define the Church?

Most people think the Church is a building or a place to which we go on Sunday. Those who attend become strongly identified with their denomination, distinctives, worship style, teaching, or services. Modern Churches harvest hundreds of Billions of tax free dollars from society and only a small percentage of it is spent on serving those outside its’ walls. Was this the design of its Founder? 

Join me now as we begin a new series where we see beyond the cultural model of the church and invite all comers to find the faith and courage to return to its Source. 

119- Is the Church a Crutch?


Is the Church a Crutch? This is a fair question and worthy of fair and self-critical answer. In this podcast and post I offer both the positive aspects of church as well as some sobering questions that pastors, church planters, and parishioners really should consider. The statistics of church decline within our culture are staggering and I believe something beyond social decline is taking place. I offer a test that you can try to see if the church is in fact a crutch. I’ll also offer a perspective that can illuminate a path forward as well as a new definition of what The Church is and can be.

118-Why Un-Coaching?


Our world is full of Life-Coaches. This is an amazing time when access to information is soon to reach the entire globe. Information is shared in a global platform and has allowed online coaching to blossom within every area of human interest or need. Content is everything when it comes to coaching, and in a global information age, most content is homogenized. Thus coaching is really about accessing that 1 -2 % of nuanced, novel content. Even still, there is a big problem. Why doesn’t this amazing content transform more lives? In this podcast and post, I will expose the false claim that our DOING creates our BEING and how that cripples personal transformation. As an UN-COACH, I will explain the paradox of Big Truth and prove that it is our BEING that creates our DOING, and that changes everything.