Tag Archives: suffering

116- Healing Love


Healing is beyond our comprehension. We’ve explored beauty and our frameworks for healing but today we explore the biggest thing that exists. Our world has an overwhelming amount of pain and what we call “meaningless suffering.” How can anything heal us at this point? What is the path of healing? The proclamation of love is that it restores everything. How can this possibly be true? In this podcast and post I use metaphors to access the trans-rational aspects of our thinking and open us up to our inner spinster who fears loving again. We will learn that the only category big enough to understand and heal human suffering is that of love. Healing love begins immediately once we remove ourselves as the goalie of our heart.

113- The Flu and Contemplation


The next time you feel that you are coming down with a cold, I want you to pay attention. There is a very sobering moment that transpires once we recognize that our body/brain communication has been diminished. In this post and podcast I will use the flu as a portal through which we can view suffering. It’s really hard to sit still, to be quiet, and to slow down, but suffering has the power to help us. In this sense, it is benevolent. I’ll compare this to the spiritual practice of contemplation and leave you with a view of suffering that you may never have considered.

94- Body and Soul



Last week I proved the existence of non-physical reality. In this weeks post and podcast we go deeper by examining the interplay between the physical (body) and the non-physical (soul) by looking at our bodies. We err when our dualistic mind forces us to pick whether we are a body without a soul or a soul trapped in a body. We are a hybridization of both limitless spirit within a limited body and the design is interdependence.  The limitations of our body are purposed to develop our soul and the soul shapes the works of the body. Unfortunately, religion turns this into behavior modification or sin management. Nonetheless, there remains an icon for us in the Christian story to view ultimate humanity. The interplay between body and soul is both the cause of all suffering and the healing of the world. What will it be for you?

91- The Wealth of the Rich


Wealth and poverty are not about money. Those who make this assumption, almost always run into problems. In this podcast and post I will show how wealth is decision making skill and the most wealthy person in any environment is the one with the most decision making skill. Sacred texts have a name for this decision making skill and it’s called wisdom. Tune in to learn how wisdom is not the accumulation of knowledge but the skill to use the knowledge we possess. Furthermore, I provide the single greatest solution to eradicate economic suffering that our world has ever seen. Our engagement in this solution is not optional, and our suffering correlates directly to our disengagement.


67- The God of Disappointment.



We all come face to face with disappointment. It can be very unpleasant until we learn what disappointment really is. In this Advent series of podcasts and posts, I will show how disappointment is ultimately the result of us encountering wider aspects of the truth which we suppress rather than love. Trying not to set our hopes too high doesn’t work, but going with the flow, or following the invitation that is present within disappointment will bring us into a place that is impossible to reach without this particular kind of suffering. Discover the benevolence of disappointment.