Tag Archives: trust

285-The Eighteenth

“Have you ever felt like those who are supposed to be leading you are not qualified or worthy to do so?

I know in our political environment that is a loaded question with an obvious answer. In today’s podcast and post we continue our ongoing series of Psalms greatest hits as we shrink down this very real, and very common point of existential pain as we look closer at what it means to trust that which is beyond ourselves.

Join me now as we look at the Eighteenth Psalm and discover that the heart of true leadership is trusting and waiting for opportunity to serve, not complaining, back biting, and hating what has already been established.

244- One World 2-Science, Data and the search for Truth

“How much FAITH do you put in science?”

If you are like most people, the answer is: “a lot.” But is science worthy of this kind of loyalty and trust? In today’s podcast and post, we continue part 2 of our “One World” series where we take a critical look at science.

Join me now as we deconstruct the religion of science and expose why facts and data don’t mean that much to our world anymore. Despite all the good that science provides, we will see beyond its truth claims and examine precisely why science cannot lead our troubled world into peace.