Tag Archives: bethesda

Break the Sabbath and I’ll heal you…


Do you want to be free?

 In today’s broadcast we continue our look at the familiar bible stories, focusing on the healing by the pool of Bethesda.

Join me now as we see beyond the miracle into the subversive message Jesus brings to religion about its commandment to obey the Sabbath. In this case, breaking the law was the precondition of not only healing and liberation, but the very means of keeping the Sabbath holy.

43-Pick up your matt!


Get ready for a sermon that you are not likely to hear at your corner church. In this episode I explore the story of the invalid who sat at the pool of Bethesda for thirty-eight years. I hope you give this a listen because there is a nuance here that can really liberate us. I can’t believe it was here all along and even though I have read and heard this story over a hundred times, I never caught this. I hope it inspires you and frees you. I look forward to your feedback.