Tag Archives: independence day

191- The Freedom Illusion

Do you possess true inner freedom?”

Our country promises tremendous freedom. Despite all the great things that can be said about it, most people live in great captivity rather than freedom. Every institution holds us captive on some level and few of us find the key to inner and outer freedom.

In today’s special Fourth of July broadcast, we will explore why institutional religion promises is constituents inner freedom, but in the end becomes one of worlds biggest captors. Join me now as we see beyond power plays of captivity and learn why we seldom find personal freedom.

45-What is Freedom?


What if Freedom isn’t something for which we must fight or defend? What if the war machine, and the polarized political environment has got it all wrong? What if freedom isn’t a zero sum game? In this special post, I prove that freedom is an expansive, generative by-product of the spiritually awakened heart. What appears to be too personal and powerless on the macro scale turns out to be the only thing that can change our uncertain world. I even provide a test to see if we are up to the task.