Tag Archives: Paul

421-Rome 2- Reformation Viagra

“Do you think every translation of the Bible is the same? If so, think again.

In today’s podcast and post I will establish the foundation upon which Paul’s letter will go out to the city of Rome. Just like Paul, I will do my best to bring the religious mind with us, so that all comers can hear the Good News he is so excited about.

Join me now as our Greek exposition unearths a trajectory that fundamentalism will always reject, but is necessary if we are to experience the freedom this letter proclaims.

282-Part 4- The Stumbling Block of Justice

“Has religion ever produced superior people? Or just those who think they are?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our deep-dive course on the subterranean world of our sin as we look closely at how it is related to our misunderstanding of Justice. As a result, religion divides our world into sinners and saints.

Join me now as prove that retribution has been replaced with restoration, and why neither the religious nor the irreligious can handle this Good News.

259-Called Out 1-Paid Clergy

“How would you define the Church?

Most people think the Church is a building or a place to which we go on Sunday. Those who attend become strongly identified with their denomination, distinctives, worship style, teaching, or services. Modern Churches harvest hundreds of Billions of tax free dollars from society and only a small percentage of it is spent on serving those outside its’ walls. Was this the design of its Founder? 

Join me now as we begin a new series where we see beyond the cultural model of the church and invite all comers to find the faith and courage to return to its Source. 

178 -Galatians Q&A

“Are you curious about the questions that have come in through this series?”

Last week we concluded a 13 week series on the book of Galatians and over the course I have fielded a number of really great questions. Today, I thought I’d share the most common and or most interesting questions that came up.

Join me now as we review the questions from our virtual community. Perhaps someone asked your question and we can all learn together how to see beyond everything.

177-Closing Remarks


“How should the church respond to Paul’s letter to the Galatians?”

Today we conclude a thirteen-week study of the book of Galatians. Paul was clearly not reinventing another religion but preserving the integrity of the gospel message which not only liberates all people from institutional powers, but from frees us from the inside out. By ridding us of external and internal pressures that are trying to define and derail our lives, Paul is showing all people the path to personal freedom.

Join me now as we see beyond the lens of modern evangelical Christianity and see Paul’s message for what it really was, a free-flowing charter on how to live, and find your true self transparently grounded in God.

174- Tempering Over-Desire…


“Do you have an area of your life that no matter how hard you try, lasting change seems impossible?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our study of Galatians and explore how internal freedom is entangled in the captivity of our flesh. We’re camping out on this topic for a few weeks because so many of us work from a flawed understanding and thus we fail not despite our best efforts but because of them.

Join me now as we reframe the battle of the flesh vs the spirit into a dance of necessary tension. This not only allows us to live from a place of inner freedom but it gives us the lens to see beyond everything.

171-The Mystery of Inheritance


“Have you ever inherited anything of value?”

How does life change for you if you were the heir to billions? Wouldn’t that reality provide a safety net for you? What would living be like to have the certainty and freedom to go or do anything your heart desired? It might surprise you to know that that experience is possible for every single person.

In today’s podcast, we continue our exploration of Galatians and learn that each of us is an heir to a divine inheritance. Join me know as we see beyond how this is possible and learn what it means to live freely as an heir.

170-Who has Bewitched You?


“Have you ever met someone who has caved under pressure?”

We like to think of ourselves as free and autonomous people. We like to think that our opinions are our own, and that we have the courage and strength to speak truth to power. But in reality,  most people will cave under pressure. If your boss, or someone you hold in high regard challenges you, are you really willing to face the consequences of a certain conflict?

In today’s podcast and post we will explore Paul’s question to the church in Galatia because he is has noticed that they have tossed out their freedom for the sake of keeping appearances or keeping certain people happy. Join me now as we learn why it is better to defend your freedom even in the face of conflict than to cave in for the sake of being nice.

5- Living, Moving and Being


“What does it mean to have our BEING in God?”

In some ways our world is not unlike the Ancient world of Athens. Paul’s sermon opens up the “God Conversation” to a theology that had tremendous liberating power. Surprisingly, it doesn’t come with a contest of who has the bigger God, in fact it doesn’t come from a religious framework at all.

Join me now as we look deeper at Paul’s theology of living, moving and being as it enables us to see beyond everything.

4- Nations of Feelers and Crawlers


Where did we get the idea that everyone has to believe the same thing when it comes to God?

Given the diversity of human experience around the world, how could that even be possible? Yet the mission of the church has largely been built on institutionalizing a particular process of saving souls by conversion to Corporate Christianity.

Join me now as we look deeper at Paul’s view of humanity as we learn to see beyond the religious frameworks into a faith that is ultimately beyond everything.