Tag Archives: resurrection

4- Subverting Death


What does it mean to subvert death?

Subversion literally means to “turn from beneath” or to undermine authority.  Subversion is a transfer of power that doesn’t come by might, but by another kind of power.

So often the Easter story is reduced to an appeal of historical data. This limits the Easter story to a clean up job for our naughtiness. In this weeks broadcast, I will offer a much bigger Easter story and prove that subversion, everywhere we see it, is the ongoing effect of dying in order to find new life. This means Easter is everywhere, all the time.

Join me now as we learn to see the resurrection beyond everything.

47-Lazarus: Historical Jesus or Cosmic Christ



This is a blog post from 2014 that discusses a very important nuance. If you aren’t a “religious” person, don’t dismiss this post too quickly. You see the story of Lazarus exposes two assertions about Jesus and the power that raised a dead guy back to life. In this post I’ll show the two assertions that emerge from stories like this and why the most common way to view this creates roadblocks for modern people to access resurrection language. After this, you’ll be able to move resurrection from an unprovable assertion after you die, to an an disputable global reality within the life you are presently living.