Tag Archives: Ruin

75- The Ruin of Postmodernism.


Millennials get an unfair rap as if they are the only ones with a postmodern worldview. In this podcast and post I explain why some so-called post-moderns are actually people bouncing around between lower stages of consciousness. True postmodernism is the integration of multiple stages of consciousness and while it does reflect an evolution of our thinking, it isn’t perfect. For this reason, many in traditional, scientific, and militaristic levels really push back against postmodernism as if it is a regression rather than a progression in consciousness. Today we learn why the ruin of postmodernism is not its eradication but ironically, its inclusion of the contributions of other stages of consciousness.  Why does such an inclusive group struggle so much with including certain ideas?



71- The Ruin of the Tribe.


The lowest form of consciousness is the tribal stage. As we begin our exploration of integral theory, this podcast exposes the many ways that tribal consciousness still remains in our “so-called” evolved world. Tribal thinking is all about appeasement to a deity, another person, or an institution because fear has not been displaced by the higher form of relating through love. I will reveal the signs that we are outgrowing the tribal stage and why all maturity necessitates the move away. The ruin of the tribe is not its eradication, but its transformation as it is integrated into wider aspects of the truth.



70-May I Ruin your New Year?


What do you think will happen if you add a bunch of effort and activity on top of last years blindness? Right now people are at a fever pitch to make changes to their lives. This may not be such a great thing. In this podcast and post I explain why we can’t just go from where we are to our best possible life by finding will power, or redoing our schedules, or becoming super focused. If we really want lasting change, we have to do the required soul work. And that is going to require an exile or a lonely desert experience where all the falseness is stripped off leaving the essence of our true self. That is the only part of our lives worth building and once we find it, we discover we are among very good company.