Tag Archives: suffering

385- Thorn in the Flesh?

“Are you familiar with saying: “A thorn in the flesh?” How well do you understand this idea?

In today’s podcast and post I am going to give you not only the backstory behind Paul’s famous trope, but I will unpack its theological implications and why it’s important for those being liberated from religious overreach.

Join me now as we discover that the thorn is not an object, but a subject dispatched by love to keep us close to God.

380-Spiritual Seeing as Suffering

Do you know what spiritual seeing is? If so, what do you see?

In today’s podcast and post I will provide a biblical justification for spiritual sight and share how this isn’t some kind of super power, but instead is a humiliating source of suffering that we don’t want to live without.

Join me now as I do my best to describe something that defies words, and why those who share this spiritual sight, rarely talk about it.

375-Between Thieves

“What would say are the most common ways that people struggle in life? Is it economically, emotionally, or socially?

In today’s podcast and post, we begin our countdown to Easter with an examination of two thieves which rob us of our ability to see reality clearly, and which causes so much suffering.

Join me now as the thieves on the cross reveal the world’s competing systems of avoidance and resentment, and help us to see a third option, hanging right in the midst of them. 

302-ReThinking Anxiety and Insomnia

“Do you suffer from anxiety or insomnia? Maybe you need a new definition…

In today’s podcast and post I propose an alternative way to view anxiety and insomnia. As someone who has suffered with these for much of my life, I have discovered a profoundly liberating framework from which I’ve found a lasting sense of peace and rest.

Join me now as I offer a new definition of anxiety which invites us to consider that these are not problems for which we must seek treatment, but are instead invitations to a deeper dimension of life.

240- Perfect Imperfection

“Do you think you’ve known enough suffering? Maybe not.

As I produce this podcast, the pandemic is thrusting our world into countless forms of suffering. In Columbia, Brazil and Mexico, the starvation has already gone beyond the miles of food lines that Americans get to drive up to. We all want to turn our face from suffering, but when we do, we miss something transformative.

In today’s podcast and post I’m going to offer a definition of suffering that most will reject. Join me now as we see beyond the circumstances that have thrust pain upon us and stare deeply into that which can transform our world.

233- What’s so Good about This Friday?

“With the world turned upside down, what is so Good about this Friday?”

Throughout the world, Christians are trying to celebrate Holy Week in unconventional ways due to the global pandemic. With all the bad news that is happening around us, you may have wondered where God is in all of this. If so, you are not alone. Many are asking: if there is an all-powerful God, why hasn’t he/she done anything?

In today’s podcast and post, I will answer this pressing question in a way that will allow all comers to see God’s work as easily as they see their own hand. Join me now as we see beyond the suffering of the world and get a solid reason why today is called Good Friday.

231- How to Thrive in Exile

“Are you ready for an Exile?”

Most people are pretending the world will go back to normal in a few weeks. While I suppose that’s possible, the magnitude of the effects of this global pandemic have yet to be fully realized. This means that our two favorite institutions (science and government) are not likely to stave off the suffering of millions.

In todays podcast and post, I’ll share the process of exile and share why now is the time to put off our fear and follow a deeper, truer voice than that of institutional power. Join me now as we see beyond the pandemic into the exile which can rebuild a new world.

217-Do You Want to be Healed?

Are you self-aware enough to recognize those areas of your life where you need healing?”

Believe it or not, most of us aren’t. The vast majority of people believe healing is limited to the physical body as it relates to injury or illness. As such, healing is almost entirely deferred to medical professionals.

In this podcast and post we begin a series where I introduce a new framework for healing. All suffering and captivity within our lives are like festering wounds that have never received the proper care.

Join me now as we see beyond our suffering and lay hold of the healing that awaits every soul who diligently seeks for the truth.

203- The Thirteenth

“How many of your prayers have gone unanswered?

Let’s face, nothing causes more unbelief than someone who “tries” prayer in hopes of changing their reality only to have their hopes dashed to pieces. How many of us have prayed; “How long Oh Lord? Will you forsake me forever?” Sometimes it feels this way, but today’s Psalm takes points to a dramatic change in heart and a restoration of ones’ faith. Is there something just beyond our doubts that replaces reality as it is for us with reality as it is?

Join me now as we continue in the third installment of the Pslams greatest hits where we visit the thirteenth Psalm. These feeligns of “being forgotten”can grow our soul and enables us to peek within the deepest part of our being as we learn to see beyond everything.

186- Happy Suffering

“What is your solution to the suffering in the world?”

Most people recognize the enormity of suffering and feel as though they are too small to make a difference. Thus we look to governments, religions or scientific fixes that might be big enough to eliminate suffering. 

What if suffering has a purpose? What if there was a way to deal with suffering that didn’t avoid it, but transformed it into something beautiful?  Join me now as we see beyond the beatitudes into exactly what it means to experience happy suffering.