Tag Archives: work

158-Wise Man Says-Enjoy Your Toil


“Do you enjoy going to work?”

 Over half of the US is unhappy at work. Most people conclude that this is because half the jobs are not fun, are boring, or offer poor pay. In today’s podcast I reveal that the thing that makes us enjoy our work has little to do with the job we do or the amount of pay.

Success and achievement are not the same thing, and neither of them can make us happy. Join me now as I show how success is the by-product of being happy not the antecedent. Join me now as I reveal how enjoying our toil is an “inside-job” that is not a skill to practice, but a gift to be received.

89- Corporate Kool-Aid


We all know something about drinking the corporate Kool-Aid, but have you considered just how deep this subject actually goes? In this podcast and post I will show that drinking the corporate Kool-Aid is the price we pay in order to receive the identity and life that our organizations can give us. Unhappiness is the realization that the Kool-Aid is unavoidable and some people think the answer is to become anti-corporate or to go off the grid. Freedom is possible and it is found in a paradoxical way. We need not give up on society, or our dreams, but we must surrender the means. One rule replaces all the rules. One motivation replaces all motivations.  A true identity means we are free from the one the system gives us. Freedom is to be in the world but not of it.