Tag Archives: death

236- We don’t FEAR infection…

“Are you afraid of catching COVID-19?” Actually, you aren’t…

Fear and uncertainty is ramping up and doubling faster than any infection of coronavirus. Our anxieties are high, and now politics is playing the binary banjo strings to pit us against one another again. In today’s podcast and post, I will explain what all the fear is really about.

Join me now as we see beyond the fear propaganda machines, and look deeper at the existential reality of losing our life. This portal allows us to see the thing we really ought to fear.

87- The Afterlife


What happens when we die? This question has ignited both science and religion. In this post and podcast I will take the best of science, sacred text, and human experience and list eleven key considerations that will widen our understanding. Of course no one knows for sure what is on the other side, but we are left with amazing clues. After assembling the pieces that I have, my best advice is to not make the afterlife your goal. Instead, find humility so you can access the afterlife now. Then, very little will change upon our death.