Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.

119- Is the Church a Crutch?


Is the Church a Crutch? This is a fair question and worthy of fair and self-critical answer. In this podcast and post I offer both the positive aspects of church as well as some sobering questions that pastors, church planters, and parishioners really should consider. The statistics of church decline within our culture are staggering and I believe something beyond social decline is taking place. I offer a test that you can try to see if the church is in fact a crutch. I’ll also offer a perspective that can illuminate a path forward as well as a new definition of what The Church is and can be.

118-Why Un-Coaching?


Our world is full of Life-Coaches. This is an amazing time when access to information is soon to reach the entire globe. Information is shared in a global platform and has allowed online coaching to blossom within every area of human interest or need. Content is everything when it comes to coaching, and in a global information age, most content is homogenized. Thus coaching is really about accessing that 1 -2 % of nuanced, novel content. Even still, there is a big problem. Why doesn’t this amazing content transform more lives? In this podcast and post, I will expose the false claim that our DOING creates our BEING and how that cripples personal transformation. As an UN-COACH, I will explain the paradox of Big Truth and prove that it is our BEING that creates our DOING, and that changes everything.

117- Five Years Online- WOW!


Five years ago I transitioned from the typical church delivery system to serving as an online pastor and “un-coach.” So what happened? Was I disgruntled or angry? No. Was there a moral or theological deficiency? Nope. Behind it was a single question that emerged from our elder board which asked: “Has the church so highjacked peoples lives that liberation from it seems sinful?”  Honest self criticism forces us to accept that 95% of all expense and energy and effort goes to the Sunday morning show. In this post I celebrate how online ministry provides a framework that puts people back into their lives and serves people by shedding all the bulk, expense, and pretense in favor of just being who we are, where we are. Freedom is learning to detox from our structures and thrive in the flow of ambiguity.

116- Healing Love


Healing is beyond our comprehension. We’ve explored beauty and our frameworks for healing but today we explore the biggest thing that exists. Our world has an overwhelming amount of pain and what we call “meaningless suffering.” How can anything heal us at this point? What is the path of healing? The proclamation of love is that it restores everything. How can this possibly be true? In this podcast and post I use metaphors to access the trans-rational aspects of our thinking and open us up to our inner spinster who fears loving again. We will learn that the only category big enough to understand and heal human suffering is that of love. Healing love begins immediately once we remove ourselves as the goalie of our heart.

115- What About Healing?


Most modern people think healing is the recovery from a sickness or ailment. What if healing is more than a disconnected byproduct of a prescribed therapy? In this podcast and post I examine four common ways we approach healing and suggest that healing is not an end in itself, but a means to liberation. Learn how we are not passengers in healing, but daily participators in a life long dress rehearsal for the healing yet to come.


114- Why we Cry


We all know something about crying because we all have a cry within us. In this podcast and post we will explore crying first from the scientific perspective, and then we will go beyond what science can offer. We will discover that crying is a portal that opens up a dimension that is easily missed. I will define what a cry really is, and the reason why we all cry. For those like me who rarely have a “crying event”, this post will open up a perspective that proves just how much we actually cry and why we do it. Don’t assume you already know this. This one is not to be missed.

113- The Flu and Contemplation


The next time you feel that you are coming down with a cold, I want you to pay attention. There is a very sobering moment that transpires once we recognize that our body/brain communication has been diminished. In this post and podcast I will use the flu as a portal through which we can view suffering. It’s really hard to sit still, to be quiet, and to slow down, but suffering has the power to help us. In this sense, it is benevolent. I’ll compare this to the spiritual practice of contemplation and leave you with a view of suffering that you may never have considered.

112- How to Change Your Mind


Have you ever thought the world would be so much better if it weren’t for “those” people? If you haven’t noticed, our world is deeply polarized around nearly every issue. This illuminates two vital realities that we will explore in this podcast and post: that we have a deficient binary way of thinking, and that we all can imagine the world better than it is. If the world is to begin healing, we must move from a binary framework of thinking into a higher, wider, “third way” of thinking. The way to change our mind begins NOT with what we think, but how we think. Once we identify just how much power our ego has within a binary framework, we quickly realize that the world could literally change overnight by gaining a transcendent perspective. We can argue whether it is day or night, but both opposite perspectives are equally true. To change the how, the ego has to die so that humility can lead the way.

111- The Millennial Kingdom


With a crown of thorns, what kind of king would this be? Will we even recognize such a kingdom? The religious elite in Jesus day didn’t recognize their Messiah and in this podcast and post I will show how the modern church is missing the kingdom for the same reasons. I’ll explain the common objections to an historical view Revelation and offer an amazingly optimistic way to interpret scripture. This perspective radically changes the definition and mission of the church. I hope you’ll tune in.

If you wish to do a deep dive, you can access my “Happy Ending: A positive eschatology” HERE.

110- The Scroll is a Certificate of Divorce


The Scroll with seven seals is a vital part of understanding the book of Revelation, but most only focus on the seals. Yes the seals represent the great tribulation of the fall of Jerusalem, but the scroll is something bigger.  In this Podcast and post I will show that the scroll is a certificate of divorce. I will use a wide angle lens to show how the meta-narrative of scripture replaces retribution with restoration by way of this divorce. This ushers in a new operating system that makes everything new again.