Blog: Thrive in Exile

"Blog schmog...everyone has a blog these days"

Welcome to the conversation...not the endless drone of opinions and feelings.

Once we get past our addictions to our political feed...once we mature to the point where we do not need to be entertained...then...maybe if we aren't distracted... we are ready to hear something profound.

Each week, I take you to the deep end. I take you to the biggest voice in the universe, where we can explore the Word of God. I will take you past your tiny theology, your denominational polity, and your pastor or guru's safety net, and unto a place where the Spirit and Prophet speak. If you have ears to hear, this blog will open your mind and change your heart.

Give it six months and if you are the same person with the same mind. Then unsubscribe and find something better. 

I'm always available to dialogue with any questions this content brings forth.



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