Tag Archives: keven winder

When others don’t SEE you.


Have you ever felt like you are surrounded by people who don’t really know who you are?”

In today’s broadcast and post we look at the familiar story of Jesus healing the son of a high-ranking state official. Once we look between the lines of scripture we begin to see Jesus in a new light which reflects back to us something about our own heart.

Join me now as we see beyond the second miracle into the lonely inner experience of exile, where we are known only by what we can do for others and not who we really are.

The Catering Gap



“Does Jesus really care about a catering mistake?”

 In todays broadcast and post we begin looking at the miracles of Jesus through the broader lens of subversion that we have explored over the last several weeks. In his first recorded miracle, Jesus turns water into wine and helps eliminate the embarrassment and cost to the wedding party who failed to provide enough wine for the festivities.

Is this miracle really a clean up job for a catering mistake? Or is there something more? Join me now as we learn to see beyond the Sunday School story line into a something so big, its almost impossible to believe.

3-Decentralization has no King


Are you ready for decentralization?

We’re continuing our series examining the spiritual and practical realities beyond Blockchain Technology and Crypto Currencies and today we look at decentralization.  We all have those topics which really get us angry or revved up. Do you know what is behind that?

Join me now as we take a sobering look at the price we pay to have kings who rule over us as we learn to see beyond the politics, corporations, and noise into the heart of our worlds true problem.

2- The Cosmic Blockchain


“What is the Blockchain?”

If you can answer this question, then you are part of a small percentage of the world that is in the know. In today’s broadcast, I will not only share what the Blockchain is, but explore just how this game changing technology has the power to subvert institutional power.

Join me now we consider the spiritual realities that are beyond the Blockchain and learn how this revolutionary technology could usher in a new kind of world.

1- Crypto God


“Where is God?”

 Believers are quick to answer this question with some theological token about omnipresence. Non-believers are quick to answer that if they knew the answer, they would probably believe.

In today’s broadcast, I will begin a series where we examine what seems like the unrelated topic of Blockchain technology and Crypto currencies, but as you’ll see, I begin from a much wider field of view. Join me now as we see beyond the Blockchain and locate the hidden (crypto) God.

Lepers and Liberty


“How can you tell if you are actually free?”

Personal liberty is a core desire of every human being. Yet in our journey to find it, most of us settle for captivity.  Is that you?

In today’s broadcast we look at a parable that charts the course to freedom along a very unsuspecting route. From the view of an outcast, captivity holds promise, but in the long view, the trade off is severe. Join me now as we follow one leper who begins to see beyond everything.

8- Subverting the Government


“Is it possible or even necessary to subvert the government?”

No institution has more control over us than our government.  Whether you distrust it or depend upon it, scripture tells us that God has established all of them, yet it warns us to “be ware of the leaven of Harod…

Jesus dealt much with government and he models a unique path for us. It’s not rebellion. It’s not avoidance. It’s not resistance. It’s submission and subversion.  Join me now, as we look closer at how the Gospel re-identifies us from our government, not destroying it, but by transforming it. It’s a wake up call so we can see beyond everything.

7-Subverting Religion


“Do you have any desire to subvert Religion?”

World religions are very big and very powerful.  Ironically, the work of taking down a religion is the very work of most religions. In today’s broadcast, we continue to look at why religion incites so much war, hate and pain in our world. Subverting religion is required because it cannot be overpowered.

World peace will not be obtained by domination, tribal distinctions, or by ecumenicalism. Join me now as we learn to see why the subversive power of love is the only path that can repower religion into an amazing force for good.

6-Subverting the Community


“Why in the world would we want to subvert community?”

In today’s broadcast I expose the paradoxical relationship that we should have with our different communities. Yes we like our friends, groups, clubs, teams, associations and gatherings. These are the bedrock of our lives and the meeting place of community.

All this is true, but community comes with a very subtle catch. Join me now as we learn to see beyond the “fine print”of community, and discover the only means of making it better.

5-Subverting the Family


Does subverting the Family seem like a bad thing?

Subversion literally means to “turn from beneath”or to undermine authority.  Subversion is a transfer of power that doesn’t come by might, but by anotherkindof power.

In this weeks broadcast I explain how the Gospel of the Kingdom is a subversive exchange of power. We’ll look at how Jesus subverts his own family in order to rise up and embody the larger and more inclusive family of God.

We’ll also examine how the institution of family imprisons us if we leave the family at the wrong time or in the wrong way or fail to leave at all. The institution of the family has been idolized and as a result we behave in horrible ways or suffer with tremendous guilt all in the name of family.

Join me now as we explore how the Gospel subverts the institution of the family as we learn to see beyond everything.