Where do I start?

If you are one of the thousands of visitors to this site this year, you probably already realized that this isn't like most websites. Where are the pop ups?  Where are all the affiliate ads? There aren't any, not one since this launched in 2012.

All this content is FREE for you to use, copy and share with others. What? Who does that? Maybe you're wondering where to begin with so many to choose from. My audience has made it easy for you. They have selected a few which they believe will give you the best sense of what you may be getting into here.  

I hope you can appreciate the amount of work, time and research that has gone into providing this for you. Just like you, I have a full-time job and this is entirely done out of my own heart to do so. I hope you experience the liberating power of this content and that you will join the many people who have gone before you and who tune in each week. If you do, I can almost assure you that your life will be very different within six months.

If you have any questions, or if I can help in any way. Please feel free to reach out at info@kevenwinder.com .  I will personally reply to you. No form letters. No gatekeepers. You actually have direct access to me.