Monthly Archives: June 2018

Bread for everyone…


What is the real food of life?”

In today’s broadcast we continue our look at the familiar bible stories, focusing on the feeding of the five thousand. Is this just a story about a sack lunch in a rural area? I don’t think so.

Join me now as we see beyond the miracle and explore why any of us would participate in a religious ceremony if the power of God were right before us within our very life? Learn about Jesus Passover alternative right now on today’s broadcast.

Break the Sabbath and I’ll heal you…


Do you want to be free?

 In today’s broadcast we continue our look at the familiar bible stories, focusing on the healing by the pool of Bethesda.

Join me now as we see beyond the miracle into the subversive message Jesus brings to religion about its commandment to obey the Sabbath. In this case, breaking the law was the precondition of not only healing and liberation, but the very means of keeping the Sabbath holy.

When others don’t SEE you.


Have you ever felt like you are surrounded by people who don’t really know who you are?”

In today’s broadcast and post we look at the familiar story of Jesus healing the son of a high-ranking state official. Once we look between the lines of scripture we begin to see Jesus in a new light which reflects back to us something about our own heart.

Join me now as we see beyond the second miracle into the lonely inner experience of exile, where we are known only by what we can do for others and not who we really are.

The Catering Gap



“Does Jesus really care about a catering mistake?”

 In todays broadcast and post we begin looking at the miracles of Jesus through the broader lens of subversion that we have explored over the last several weeks. In his first recorded miracle, Jesus turns water into wine and helps eliminate the embarrassment and cost to the wedding party who failed to provide enough wine for the festivities.

Is this miracle really a clean up job for a catering mistake? Or is there something more? Join me now as we learn to see beyond the Sunday School story line into a something so big, its almost impossible to believe.

3-Decentralization has no King


Are you ready for decentralization?

We’re continuing our series examining the spiritual and practical realities beyond Blockchain Technology and Crypto Currencies and today we look at decentralization.  We all have those topics which really get us angry or revved up. Do you know what is behind that?

Join me now as we take a sobering look at the price we pay to have kings who rule over us as we learn to see beyond the politics, corporations, and noise into the heart of our worlds true problem.