Tag Archives: humility

158-Wise Man Says-Enjoy Your Toil


“Do you enjoy going to work?”

 Over half of the US is unhappy at work. Most people conclude that this is because half the jobs are not fun, are boring, or offer poor pay. In today’s podcast I reveal that the thing that makes us enjoy our work has little to do with the job we do or the amount of pay.

Success and achievement are not the same thing, and neither of them can make us happy. Join me now as I show how success is the by-product of being happy not the antecedent. Join me now as I reveal how enjoying our toil is an “inside-job” that is not a skill to practice, but a gift to be received.

103- Driving and Consciousness


None of us can live better than we think. This is a way of framing up the great reality of how our consciousness relates to life. Consciousness is related to everyone else and so much more, but we forget about this. In this podcast and post I will use the illustration of driving to help us see the unseen reality behind consciousness. Now some religious people will view this post as not very spiritual, but I will reveal how spirituality does not go beyond this fundamental reality. Consciousness has everything to do with God and it mirrors the flow of God and I will expose the biggest adversary in all of our lives: certainty. If life is not what you want it to be, examine those areas where you are certain and become a student again.