Category Archives: Beyond Everything Radio

362-Mustard Seed and Yeast

“What does it mean that Heaven is like a mustard seed or a pinch of yeast?

Today we continue our series on Seeing Beyond the Parables with Jesus’ next parable that describes Heaven. How can heaven be a blissful kingdom that is only accessible when we die, if the point of these parables is to reveal that Heaven is here and now?

Join me now as these parables illuminate that Heaven has come, is here now, but isn’t fully baked yet. We’ll discover that Heaven is about participation, rather than a destination.

361-Wheat and Weeds

“Is it possible the meaning of the parable of the weeds has been obscured by religion?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series of “Seeing Beyond the Parables” with an important parable which reveals something contrary to most people’s belief about Heaven and Hell. 

Join me now as we look at the relationship between the Wheat and the Weeds, and discover that the burning of the weeds is not a threat to coerce religious behavior, but a promise of hope for all people.

360-Sowing Through Story

“Did you know the parable of the Sower is the first parable in each Gospel except John? Do you know why?

In today’s podcast and post, we backfill our series of “Seeing Beyond the Parables” with the cornerstone parable which starts them all off. I’ll list four observations which will allow us to see “the moral of the story.”

Join me now as we look at the relationship between the Sower and the soils, and extract it’s real meaning from 2000 years of Church history.

359- Ability and Twenty Years Income

“Is the parable of the talents and the minas about spirituality or diligence? Faith or Works?

In today’s podcast and post, I’m continuing my series on seeing beyond the parables. Our world sees the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer and blames this on corruption or inequity. Is this really the case? Come see how the Master wants all to enter his Joy, by why only the diligent ever will.

Join me now as we see beyond our talents and minas to discover why outer darkness is reserved for those who squander their lives.

358- 5 out of 10 Virgins

“Is the parable of the 10 virgins really about preparing for the rapture?

In today’s podcast and post, I’m making an addition to my 2018 series on the real meaning of the parables. Church history and religion have obscured this story by trapping it into a dogma on preparing for a future rapture. By doing that, we’ve missed a lot.

Join me now as we see beyond the lamps, the oil, and the bridegroom, at this amazing comparison between knowing and being known.

357-One Hundred Third

“Does God have unconditional love for everyone, or are there actually conditions?

In today’s podcast and post we examine the profound beauty of the One-Hundred and Third Psalm. Is this passage a clinic on the deep theological realities of true nature of God, or is this an insiders experience only? Denominations have been debating this for centuries.

Join me now as we see beyond everything and consider the tension between our humanity and spirituality, and how our failings don’t prevent us from experiencing God as David describes, but are necessary to truly hear these words.

356- FREE

“Do you believe freedom is obtainable?” That’s a loaded question.

In today’s podcast, post, and video I will explore how freedom comes to us incrementally as we uncover the many layers of captivity which plague our lives. This means we are always chasing some new elusive form of freedom.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond our myopia and illusions about freedom in this life, and explore how ultimate freedom, which we can access now, will ultimately require our death.


“Do you think you know yourself? Most of us do. So, imagine our shock to discover we are all living in self-deceit.

In today’s podcast, post, and video I explore how the entire world has become deceived. I’ll reveal how every problem is a truth problem and how our need for validation traps us in a surface level existence, which promises freedom but never delivers.

Join me now as we probe our own self-deception and I point us to the deconstruction project which leads us to authenticity in the Truth.

353- REAL

“How do we know what’s real? This simple question uncovers our framework of reality, and the foundations of our world view.

In today’s podcast, post and video, I reveal how both the empirical and religious world views are too small, and how neither is able to satisfy the logical nor the perceptive mind. I’ll then suggest we take back and return to a frame of reality which comprises and transcends both perspectives.

Join me now as we re-think the rational justification for a Christological worldview, and how this opens us up to Ultimate Reality.

352- WORD

“What’s in a word?” 

We skim over countless words everyday with endless communication, but what are we really saying? In today’s podcast, post and video we will contemplate words and follow them back to their Source. 

Join me now as discover how these seemingly innocuous bits of non-empirically based reality, have latent within them, the power to make everything new.