Category Archives: Beyond Everything Radio

351-Sixty Second

“In a take action world, what good does sitting in silence actually accomplish?”

Today we return to our ongoing series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a look at the Sixty Second Psalm. In a world where people are constantly stealing, lying, and undermining each other, our survival almost seems to require that we adopt immoral behaviors.

Join me now as we see beyond everything and follow the psalmist’s advice to sit in silence, and to reorder what is truly important, so that all of humanity can regain its footing and create the world for which we all long.

350- FLOW

“Is there really such a thing as a state of flow? Has science really unlocked the secret to mental focus or higher performance? 

If we follow the trajectory of modern “so-called” experts in flow and performance, then we enter a marketplace where we can exchange our self for a super-self and our life for a super-life. We’re told that flow is a heightened conscious state where we gain superpowers allowing us to outperform others and rise to the top. 

What if true flow isn’t derived from more effort and output? Join me now as we see beyond the pseudo flow of performance, and learn that true flow sets us on a course, not for doing, and not even for being, but for seeing?


“Is there really such a thing as a peaceful protest? Do you really think the government cares about our feelings?

In today’s post, podcast and video, I will deconstruct what is truly behind our protests, and expose the gravitational force which pulls us into political binaries. Politics is like a spinning carnival ride which forces a pledge of allegiance to the shadowy operator pushing the buttons.

Join me now as we see beyond our protests and expose the path of peace which remains largely unbelieved.


“Is there more to life than making it to the top?” If so, why do we endlessly pursue success, fame, or power?”

In today’s post, podcast and video, we explore the common course of life and why it traps us on a “rat wheel” of effort without any lasting satisfaction. I’ll prove why climbing may give us what we think we want, but never what we trulywant.

Join me now as we see beyond everything, and consider the diligent, counter-intuitive lifestyle of descending and how it paves the way to a free world.


“Is the Universe an unintelligent, random, amalgamation of elements and time as science tells us it is? What about those who ascribe some form of spirituality to the Universe?

In today’s podcast, post and video, I will reveal how both of these perspectives end in either irrationality or idolatry.

Join me now as we see beyond our triggers, and beyond the universe, to discover how to repatriate the word “God” and why it’s the most rational and worthy term for the power which is behind, in and through everything. 


“Is distraction a bad thing and focus a good thing? What can we discover when we see beyond them?

In today’s podcast, post and video, I will reveal how the most focused person may actually be in a feedback loop of distraction. I’ll explain how possessing the right focus may seem counterintuitive to all we’ve learned.

Join me now as we see beyond our distractions by asking the right kind of questions. This opens up a new way of seeing, living, and being, which is no longer distracted


“Do we live in a godless world? What does that actually mean anyway?”

In today’s podcast, post and video we examine what it really means to be godless and what if anything we can do about it. As you’ll discover, everything we hate about our world is primarily found “out there” because we are oblivious to it within our self.

Join me now as we see beyond our godless delusion, and awaken to the groaning New World which is waiting for us within our next interaction. 


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“What is healing? Is it merely a biological process?”

In today’s podcast, post and video, I will reveal how healing is so much more than we commonly think and why so many people live in a chronic state of pain, confusion, and disintegration.

Join me now as we see beyond healing our bodies and see why healing comprises a holistic integration between our bodies and the center of our being or self.


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“Are people really stupid? Or is there more to the story?

In today’s podcast, post and video I share a few metaphors which I hope will illuminate a new perspective on reality. The way we each frame reality is often too small, to rigid, and reveals that we have no real understanding.

Join me now as we see beyond all that we have not understood, and discover why this opens up a new way to live within a far bigger reality.

342- Half Picture- START

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“What makes some moments truly special?

Why do people love the outdoors and being out in nature? When a baby is born or when a death occurs, what is it about these moments that causes us to regain our perspective in life?

In today’s podcast and post we will endeavor to gaze beyond the surface level and see beyond everything as we look into these existential moments and discover that these are ground zero for the most amazing Event Horizon of our lives.