Category Archives: KevKast

13-Bible Thumpers and Rejectors

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Why is the bible so important to some people while it is worthless to others? Is the bible regressive or progressive? It comes down to theology, but what is that? In this episode, I show that the bible thumper and the rejector are actually the same. I also show that theology doesn’t come from the bible, but the bible comes from a theology of Love. Thus there are people who reject the bible because they are so committed to what the bible teaches. You’ll have to listen to figure this out.

12-More on the Moment

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If a moment is anything but just a passing second, if it is a portal through which God loves us IN and AS our very lives, then what does it look like to live consciously aware of this reality.  In this podcast I show my experience which proves we can not DO anything to abide in the moment, we can only BE with the moment.


11-What is inside a Moment?

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We are all searching for a moment. It is different for all of us, but we are all longing for some moment to come to pass at some time. What if the moment is so much more than a brief emotional elation? What if a moment is a portal through which we touch transcendent reality? In this episode I show just what is packed inside of each moment and this illuminates the true nature of sorrow along with a path out of it.

10-The God Question we ALL Answer.

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Every person answers the question, “Is God Real?” or “Is Religion real?” It’s unavoidable. There are only a few ways in which we all answer that question, and the way we answer tells us so much about what we bring to the question or what we want to get out of it.  In this podcast I share from my book “Oblivious” and address the real problem with how we answer this question, and how a simple easy adjustment will change everything.

9-Part 4- The Issue is NOT Homosexuality

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The issue of homosexuality actually opens up much larger issues which are at the heart of Christianity. Confusion over sin and the hurt that the church has caused is only one part of it. The message of Christianity and the gospel have been truncated and the bigger story needs to be retold. In this last part, I explain the goal of Christianity with a fresh set of eyes in the hope of orienting others into the bigger story into which they are being written.

8-Part 3- The Issue is NOT Homosexuality

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In this section I go deeper into the practical implications of the anti-gay position, and why it begins to lose credibility in the face biblical teachings and the meta-narrative of the law of love. The bible doesn’t actually say all the things the church says it does. The church’s ideas of homosexuality are rooted in its external definition of sin and stand against the teaching of Jesus. Sexual immorality and homosexuality are not synonymous.

7-Part 2- The Issue is NOT Homosexuality

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In this second part of the series, I examine the real issue for most Christian people, Authority. While most use biblical authority as their justification against homosexuality, I prove that at best anyone is only a partial believer. All people pick and choose the parts they will believe and apply to life. Furthermore, the work of bible interpretation is not as easy as one thinks and causes us to move away from the a literal “black and white” approach.

6-Part 1- The Issue is NOT Homosexuality

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It would seem that the issue of homosexuality is dividing families, churches, politics and our culture. It is assumed my most in the church or religious communities that anyone who is affirming of homosexuality is so because they have turned loose of their bibles and no longer see it as authoritative.  I introduce this subject by showing how my ideas have changed on this subject and how I got there, not by turning loose of my bible, but by going deeper. This podcast series provides new aspects to the discussion, not the same old tired arguments. It is not so much “what” we think but “how” we think that causes so much confusion.

5-CANCER and other TINY things that are HUGE.

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In this episode, I broadcast from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) conference in Chicago. I talk about what Cancer is, how it is cured and I show you other areas of life that are just like cancer and how we can apply similar approaches to curing them. The result is the ability to live and no longer suffer and die from the effects of tiny changes.


4-Musings from Heidelberg

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This episode of the KevKast broadcasts right from Heidelberg, Germany. I challenge the notion that the European church is an empty relic or a shell. Though the historical buildings are primarily vacant, it is not due to irrelevancy. Instead, the culture is no longer highjacked by the the religious delivery system of the historical church. They are liberated by the gospel into fully enjoying their lives in coffee shops, long lunches, parks and deep conversations over fine wine and food.  Furthermore, their pursuits have a strong connection to the core and foundational messages of the gospel and they see those principals as best broadcast via living, than by bludgening.