Tag Archives: 6

479-Fix Your Faith 6: Freedom From Religion

“When I use the title ‘freedom from religion’ do you assume I’m suggesting we leave get rid of these institutions?”

In today’s podcast and post I’ll discuss the next institutional authority that must be subverted if we truly desire freedom in our lives. The only way to fix our faith is to accurately define religion and then become free of its name.

Join me now as I reveal why the religious industrial complex should never have become big business, and why freedom from religion is the only path to reform the Church and restore its power and message.

425-Rome 6-Paul Deconstructs Religion

“Is there only one true religion? If so, why does every religion claim to be the true one?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in the book of Romans, as Paul turns his direction toward the religious mind. Paul deconstructs the outward displays of religious piety and shows how the non-religious person can be more righteous depending upon what’s in his or her heart.

Join me now as Paul drives us to the point of asking “Then what’s the point of religion?” as he sets us up for chapter three.

373-Parenting Teens 6-The Selfish Parent

“How do teens become so overly focused on themselves? Why are so many of teens unmotivated?”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series on Parenting Teens with a look at the Selfish Parent. If something in you is resisting this post because you fear it will simply be a blame game, then you definitely need to hear this.

Join me now as we deconstruct some ways that our own selfishness as parents is transmitted into the behaviors of our teens which frustrate us the most, thus reveals the path to fix many of the problems.

331-Famous Last Words 6- Greater Works than these…

Many of us have heard Jesus’ promise that we would do greater works than he did, or that he would give us anything if we asked for it in his name. The question for us today is: Why do so few of us believe it?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series examining Jesus’ Famous Last Words and his promise that “You shall do greater works than these…” You’ll learn the four most common ways people interpret this promise.

Join me now as we discover why all of us approach this promise like his disciples did… in uncertainty, confusion, and unbelief.

296-Power of Parenting 6 -Parenting Pitfalls

“What would you say are the biggest pitfalls in parenting?”

In the conclusion of our series, The Power of Parenting, we will take a look a what I think are the four biggest pitfalls in parenting. In today’s podcast and post I will share how easy it is to wade into the quicksand of four common quagmires. Since none of us are perfect, none of us will ever have a perfect track record. Instead, our goal is to catch ourselves and make the necessary mid-course corrections.

Join me now as we take one last look at our parenting philosophies and how to lead our families out of some very common challenges