Tag Archives: 8

481-Fix Your Faith 8: Conclusion: Ten Watersheds

“What do you think are the most common areas of confusion when it comes to spiritual formation?”

In today’s podcast and post, we conclude our series entitled “Fix Your Faith” with a look at ten watershed issues that either stunt our growth and hold us captive, or truly set our lives free.

Join me now as I give you just a taste of these key considerations which I hope will start you into a transformative discovery, and fix your faith.

333-Famous Last Words 8-The Ruler of this World is Coming

Who is the Ruler of this World?”

Did your mind go to a political figure? Or did it go deeper? Have you grown up believing that all the corruption and evil in the world prove that it belongs to Satan? In today’s podcast and post, our series reveals that was not what Jesus meant.

Join me now as we walk with Jesus and his disciples  to the Garden and listen in to these famous last words where we will see beyond everything and discover just whose world this actually is.