Tag Archives: confusion

481-Fix Your Faith 8: Conclusion: Ten Watersheds

“What do you think are the most common areas of confusion when it comes to spiritual formation?”

In today’s podcast and post, we conclude our series entitled “Fix Your Faith” with a look at ten watershed issues that either stunt our growth and hold us captive, or truly set our lives free.

Join me now as I give you just a taste of these key considerations which I hope will start you into a transformative discovery, and fix your faith.

268- Your Beloved Cult

“Are you under the influence of a cult?”

In today’s podcast and post we explore why no one in a cult believes they are in a cult. Then as we widen the definition of cult we will learn how in one sense, we all participate in cultish behaviors.

Join me now as we see beyond the religious cults which make all the headlines and go deeper into that thing which we believe is giving us the truth. If we gain the eyes to see, we’ll discover we are not as free as we think ourselves to be.

92- What is Worship?


Worship is a deeply spiritual experience but not as you may assume. Worship is not something that only religious people do. In this podcast and post I will explain why worship is seen as an aspect of competitive religious claims and why there is so much confusion about what it really is. We all worship, but it’s not as cliché as WHO or WHAT we worship. I will suggest that worship goes beyond what we know. Worship is the thing beyond the thing that we usually call worship. It is the sacred space that is potentially accessed through every single thing in life. Ultimately worship is not sequestration, but incarnation and to truly live is the event horizon to experience the joy of God.

81- Confused?


I know that I confuse a lot of people. This happens because I bring together seemingly unrelated ideas. Our confusion is often dismissed or skimmed over and in the podcast and post I want to invite you to explore areas of confusion because it is a window into something truly profound. Here I will weave together multiple diverse ingredients as an object lesson that exposes how our pride robs us of learning from others and it robs the world of our unique contribution. This is all hidden beyond our confusion and I’ll help you gain the required categories in order to see it.