Tag Archives: faith

484-Inevitable Terrible Traps: part 2

“Does it really make a difference if the Bible isn’t interpreted correctly? When a passage doesn’t make sense, or seems impossible, how many people just move on from it as if it doesn’t really matter?

In today’s podcast and post I will offer an interpretation that I hope will help you, and that will free you from having this verse misused against you. 

Join me now as class is in session, and we follow Christ into one of his most controversial conversations, and do our best to hear his teaching again…for the very first time.

482-Who’s the Best?

“Is there anything wrong with wanting to be the best? To be the next greatest thing? Of course not, unless you’re trying to go to heaven.

In today’s podcast and post, we shadow Christ in one of his teachings about heaven. He gives explicit instructions on how we are to enter it, and surprisingly everything religion told us we needed to do is not even mentioned.

Join me now as we hear this story again for the very first time, and consider who really is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

480-Fix Your Faith: Politically Over-Identified

“Do you think that the bible aligns more with conservative politics or liberal politics? If you feel the answer is very clear, then guess what?…You’ve taken the mark of the Beast.”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled “Fix Your Faith” with an examination of the authority of politics and the State. Influencers and commentors love to use the Bible for their political end, but don’t be so easily convinced.

Join me now as I show you the persona behind politics and how to you can become free from your slavery to it.

479-Fix Your Faith 6: Freedom From Religion

“When I use the title ‘freedom from religion’ do you assume I’m suggesting we leave get rid of these institutions?”

In today’s podcast and post I’ll discuss the next institutional authority that must be subverted if we truly desire freedom in our lives. The only way to fix our faith is to accurately define religion and then become free of its name.

Join me now as I reveal why the religious industrial complex should never have become big business, and why freedom from religion is the only path to reform the Church and restore its power and message.

467-Cranial Extraction: Advent NOT Nativity

“As we enter the Advent season, do you think the Nativity Scene best represents of the Advent of the Kingdom of God? Should churches use the Christmas season to attract more people to the Christian religion?

In today’s podcast and post I will reveal that the bible’s revelation of the Advent was an invitation out of religion, and not into it. 

Join me now as we examine how John the Baptist inaugurated a Kingdom and a message that was intended to be the end of religion, not the beginning of a new one.

465-The Architecture of Sin and Renewal

“Is there an area of personal change that you have found extremely difficult? You’re not alone.

In today’s podcast and post, I will add another layer of instruction to our last post on embodiment, with an examination of how both sin and renewal work within us.

Join me now as I prove that all problems are first truth problems and how that cascades into personal sin and evil in the world. Learn how our architecture is not broken, but designed in wisdom to allow the entire cosmos to be healed, starting with ourselves.

463-Embodiment and Pneuma: Ultimate Cheesecake

“We’re told that we are in a spiritual battle with our flesh, but does that mean that the goal of spirituality is to transcend our bodies? Or to become a disembodied spirit?

In today’s podcast and post, I add another layer in our discovery of the contemplative life. While it’s necessary and wise to warn people about the propensity for our flesh to lead us into evil, far too many people of faith live in fear of their flesh, and have not discovered the freedom and power of an embodied faith.

Join me now for a course which may be either the most dangerous thing I’ve ever said, or the most liberating thing you’ve ever heard.

460-The Concierge of Contemplation

“Are you ready to try something different? Can you carve out some time to be present with this content?

In today’s podcast and post I am going to give you a guided tour into my own contemplative practice. We’ll journey from our chair, through our breath, into our naked being whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.

Join me now as I serve as your concierge of sacred space and lead you into your own contemplative experience, while I point out a few things along the way.

459- What is Contemplation?

“When you hear the term “Contemplation” what comes to your mind?  Many think its having deep thoughts, others see it as meditation, while others are skeptical because they have a negative understanding of the mystics.

In today’s podcast and post I do my best to answer the question: What is Contemplation? I’ll share the common assumptions, misconceptions, and my framework for understanding it.

Join me now as I explain the unexplainable with the hope that everyone listening will consider making it a practice in their daily life.

458-Rome 32: Applying Paul’s Letter

“When Paul wrote his letters to Churches, was he trying to write the Bible? If Paul’s words are authoritative now, then are so many churches still preaching conversion to religion?

In today’s final episode of our series in the book of Romans, we take all we’ve learned from Paul’s Gospel and deconstruction of his religion, and apply it to our modern world where church has become big business.

Join me now as I invite all comers out of institutional overreach, and return to a simple model of Christ following, and loving one another, for which our world is waiting.