Tag Archives: freedom

468-Emotional Extraction: True Advent Feels Wrong

“If the Biblical Advent goes beyond the nativity story to include John the Baptist “preparing the way,” and that “way” was not through religion, then why do you think people today are so emotionally threatened by John’s invitation to leave the religious industrial complex?

In today’s podcast and post, John the Baptist swings his axe and calls us into God’s kingdom which resides outside of religion in the desert.

Join me now as we deconstruct our emotional dissonance to John’s Gospel, which sounds so wrong when we first hear it.

465-The Architecture of Sin and Renewal

“Is there an area of personal change that you have found extremely difficult? You’re not alone.

In today’s podcast and post, I will add another layer of instruction to our last post on embodiment, with an examination of how both sin and renewal work within us.

Join me now as I prove that all problems are first truth problems and how that cascades into personal sin and evil in the world. Learn how our architecture is not broken, but designed in wisdom to allow the entire cosmos to be healed, starting with ourselves.

463-Embodiment and Pneuma: Ultimate Cheesecake

“We’re told that we are in a spiritual battle with our flesh, but does that mean that the goal of spirituality is to transcend our bodies? Or to become a disembodied spirit?

In today’s podcast and post, I add another layer in our discovery of the contemplative life. While it’s necessary and wise to warn people about the propensity for our flesh to lead us into evil, far too many people of faith live in fear of their flesh, and have not discovered the freedom and power of an embodied faith.

Join me now for a course which may be either the most dangerous thing I’ve ever said, or the most liberating thing you’ve ever heard.

458-Rome 32: Applying Paul’s Letter

“When Paul wrote his letters to Churches, was he trying to write the Bible? If Paul’s words are authoritative now, then are so many churches still preaching conversion to religion?

In today’s final episode of our series in the book of Romans, we take all we’ve learned from Paul’s Gospel and deconstruction of his religion, and apply it to our modern world where church has become big business.

Join me now as I invite all comers out of institutional overreach, and return to a simple model of Christ following, and loving one another, for which our world is waiting.

457-Rome 31: Freedom or Non Faith

“What is your definition of sin? Is sin all the bad things we do, or the good things we don’t do?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans as Paul uses his instruction about not judging others and accommodating those who are weak in faith to open up a life-hack that redraws the boundaries of our freedom and our sin.

Join me now as we discover a freedom and way to live which very few of us are able to comprehend.

440-Rome 18: The Amazon Boxes Keep Coming

“What does it mean to be “In Christ.” Popular preachers tell us that it means we have been converted to the Christian religion, or that we belong to the correct Christian church, but Paul has another idea…

In today’s podcast and post we continue in our series in Romans with another section of chapter eight, where Paul makes a distinction about what it means to be “in Christ.”

Join me now as Paul reveals how his Christology can free all comers from the limitations of both Plato and religion.

437- Rome 16: There is NOW…NO Condemnation

“What does it mean to be “in Christ?” Evangelicalism tells us that it means we are converted to the Christian religion, but how could that be true, if this religion didn’t exist when Paul wrote this letter?

In today’s podcast and post we continue to follow Paul’s logic…All have sinned AND all are Justified in Christ. Paul’s Good News is that everyone is “technically been put in-Christ”, but not everyone considers themselves to be there.

Join me now as we learn why religion insists on condemnation when Paul claims we’re now done with that.

434-Rome 13: If God Justifies All, Why Even Try?

“If God has justified all people, then what’s the point of trying to live morally? Why not just let everyone do whatever they want?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series examining Paul’s letter to Rome, with a look at the pushback that his religious audience is giving. What is it about the Gospel that causes the religious mind to reject its inclusivity? Why doesn’t it make sense to some?

Join me now as we learn Paul’s framework for how this all plays out, and why so many prefer religion to the Gospel.

423-Rome 4-Relearning Judgment

“Is Judgment Day coming? Is there a looming threat of wrath for those who don’t pick the right religion?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series exploring Paul’s letter to Rome. I’ll deconstruct our common misunderstanding of wrath and judgment, and surgically replace it with Paul’s framework for everyone.

Join me now as we re-consider our lives within two planes of existence, and why seeking the higher plane allows us to reclaim our minds and heal our world.

421-Rome 2- Reformation Viagra

“Do you think every translation of the Bible is the same? If so, think again.

In today’s podcast and post I will establish the foundation upon which Paul’s letter will go out to the city of Rome. Just like Paul, I will do my best to bring the religious mind with us, so that all comers can hear the Good News he is so excited about.

Join me now as our Greek exposition unearths a trajectory that fundamentalism will always reject, but is necessary if we are to experience the freedom this letter proclaims.