Tag Archives: gospel

484-Inevitable Terrible Traps: part 2

“Does it really make a difference if the Bible isn’t interpreted correctly? When a passage doesn’t make sense, or seems impossible, how many people just move on from it as if it doesn’t really matter?

In today’s podcast and post I will offer an interpretation that I hope will help you, and that will free you from having this verse misused against you. 

Join me now as class is in session, and we follow Christ into one of his most controversial conversations, and do our best to hear his teaching again…for the very first time.

482-Who’s the Best?

“Is there anything wrong with wanting to be the best? To be the next greatest thing? Of course not, unless you’re trying to go to heaven.

In today’s podcast and post, we shadow Christ in one of his teachings about heaven. He gives explicit instructions on how we are to enter it, and surprisingly everything religion told us we needed to do is not even mentioned.

Join me now as we hear this story again for the very first time, and consider who really is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

479-Fix Your Faith 6: Freedom From Religion

“When I use the title ‘freedom from religion’ do you assume I’m suggesting we leave get rid of these institutions?”

In today’s podcast and post I’ll discuss the next institutional authority that must be subverted if we truly desire freedom in our lives. The only way to fix our faith is to accurately define religion and then become free of its name.

Join me now as I reveal why the religious industrial complex should never have become big business, and why freedom from religion is the only path to reform the Church and restore its power and message.

468-Emotional Extraction: True Advent Feels Wrong

“If the Biblical Advent goes beyond the nativity story to include John the Baptist “preparing the way,” and that “way” was not through religion, then why do you think people today are so emotionally threatened by John’s invitation to leave the religious industrial complex?

In today’s podcast and post, John the Baptist swings his axe and calls us into God’s kingdom which resides outside of religion in the desert.

Join me now as we deconstruct our emotional dissonance to John’s Gospel, which sounds so wrong when we first hear it.

467-Cranial Extraction: Advent NOT Nativity

“As we enter the Advent season, do you think the Nativity Scene best represents of the Advent of the Kingdom of God? Should churches use the Christmas season to attract more people to the Christian religion?

In today’s podcast and post I will reveal that the bible’s revelation of the Advent was an invitation out of religion, and not into it. 

Join me now as we examine how John the Baptist inaugurated a Kingdom and a message that was intended to be the end of religion, not the beginning of a new one.

454-Rome 28: Paul’s Unacceptable Political Instruction

“Are you able to see how politics has become the world’s biggest religion, replete with temples, worship services, dogma, devout congregations, influential leaders, and a lot of money?”

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series in the book of Romans where Paul provides extremely clear instruction for how Christ followers should live politically within their cities…and why almost no Church will teach it.

Join me now as Paul takes away another religion from his audience, leaving them instead with a Christological framework for how to exist in a corrupted world.

451-Rome 26: Cut Off and Grafted Inn

“What is the point of all of our sinning? Does God have anything to do with it? If you answered “No,” then Paul has a message for you.”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in the book of Romans, concluding Paul’s three-chapter theology clinic. We’ll discover that Paul’s doctrine is very different than that of modern Evangelicalism, leaving us with some big things to consider.

Join me now as Paul explains why God consigns everyone to a life of disobedience, and it’s not to send us to Hell.

444-Rome 21: Chosen and Hated

“What does it mean to be Chosen by God? Does God really hate some people?

In today’s podcast and post we examine the chapter in the Bible that is responsible for more church splits, and arguments than any other, only this time it will be different.

Join me now as we take an unflinching look at Paul’s course in Theology, and discover that it’s not a threat as much as it is a validation of who we are in God.

443-Rome 20: God is FOR Us…

“What does it mean when Paul says: “God is FOR us.” And why does religion insist God is only for those on his team?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans examining one of the most encouraging passages in scripture, and how religion has shrunk it’s big message, constraining it into a backward framework.

Join me now as I do my best to bring to you the scale and proportion of this Good News, so that we can all possess these words of Life.

442-Rome 19: Groanings Beyond Comparison

“Why is delaying gratification so difficult, but also so beneficial to our lives?” Why do so many of us choose a tiny bit of good now, instead of an in-comprehendible amount of good later?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans with another layer in chapter 8.  Paul illuminates a way to think and live that is so much bigger than religion.

Join me now as we compare Paul’s definition of salvation to that of modern religion, and ask ourselves why we would ever settle for a personal transaction, when we are offered a cosmic transformation?