Tag Archives: heaven

470-Time Extraction: Advent in the Next Five Minutes

“If I told you that the Kingdom of God would be fully present to all of us within the next five minutes, how many of you would be skeptical?

In today’s podcast and post I conclude my Advent series by extracting the layer of time from our discussion of the Kingdom of God. I’ll show how the promised Kingdom not only started 2000 years ago, but fully present here and now, and why it’s Yelp reviews are so poor.

Join me now as I prove precisely why receiving the Kingdom is so difficult, and why we prefer the fictional heaven of religion instead.

399-6-Out of Outer Darkness

“What do you think it means to be cast into Outer Darkness?

In today’s podcast and post we conclude our series entitled “A Course in Darkness” with a look at the parable of the Wedding Feast.  We’ll discover that Outer Darkness is a State of Being and the path out has nothing to do with religion.

Join me now as we see beyond our constant state of busyness, and how that relates to the depth dimension of our lives in outer darkness.

392-7-Rethinking Judgment

“Do you believe there will be a great judgment day where God will judge everyone?” If so, what do you believe is going to happen? 

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series with a closer look at Judgment Day. The bible does talk about this event, but when we look closer, we discover nuances that are often missed which are vital to the discussion.

Join me now as we re-consider Judgment Day from the perspective of restoration rather than retribution.

365-The Dragnet

“Do you believe a great day of judgement awaits everyone?

For centuries, religion has taught us that heaven is on the other side of our death and a great day of judgement where good and bad people are sent to their eternal destinations. Join me now as we take a scholarly look at the parable of the Dragnet, where the text reveals an alternative way this great separation can look.

Join me now as this often intimidating and threatening parable suddenly offers the good news and hope for the world which religion is unwilling to proclaim.

363-Treasure and Merchant

“Is Heaven objectively real? Or is it subjective? Why is the heaven depicted in our religions and our movies so different than what the parables teach?

Today we continue our series on Seeing Beyond the Parables with a look at the treasure and the merchant. We’ll explore why these parables are saying so much more than heaven is important.

Join me now as we extract this teaching from 2000 years of church history and stumble upon a freedom which produces such an advantage here and now, that we no longer have to concern ourselves with the end of life.

362-Mustard Seed and Yeast

“What does it mean that Heaven is like a mustard seed or a pinch of yeast?

Today we continue our series on Seeing Beyond the Parables with Jesus’ next parable that describes Heaven. How can heaven be a blissful kingdom that is only accessible when we die, if the point of these parables is to reveal that Heaven is here and now?

Join me now as these parables illuminate that Heaven has come, is here now, but isn’t fully baked yet. We’ll discover that Heaven is about participation, rather than a destination.

358- 5 out of 10 Virgins

“Is the parable of the 10 virgins really about preparing for the rapture?

In today’s podcast and post, I’m making an addition to my 2018 series on the real meaning of the parables. Church history and religion have obscured this story by trapping it into a dogma on preparing for a future rapture. By doing that, we’ve missed a lot.

Join me now as we see beyond the lamps, the oil, and the bridegroom, at this amazing comparison between knowing and being known.

319-14-The Emerging City

What is the “City of God” and where is it?

Some of you might call this place Heaven, or imaginary, or symbolic, or spiritual. Others are convinced this city is in a dimension far, far away from this broken world. In Today’s podcast and post, we arrive at the conclusion of our study in Hebrews with a look a city which is emerging right before our eyes.

Join me now as we see a city which lies beyond everything, which is now and not fully here, and which is community comprised of all people’s, tribes, tongues and religions, which has only one rule, and the only condition for entry is Truth.

88- Justice: It’s NOT what you think.


Based on all the feedback and questions I decided to add one more addition to this series. It will be extremely difficult to expand or alter one’s view of Heaven and Hell unless we get to the bottom of JUSTICE. In this post and podcast, I will prove that justice is not based in retribution as we are all taught, but in restoration. The overarching goal of God is not to get even with us, but to make everyone of us whole. For those who can’t get over injustice, I share a story that destroys retribution and I offer a link with 132 verses from scripture just to prove how predominant this alternative sense of justice really is.

87- The Afterlife


What happens when we die? This question has ignited both science and religion. In this post and podcast I will take the best of science, sacred text, and human experience and list eleven key considerations that will widen our understanding. Of course no one knows for sure what is on the other side, but we are left with amazing clues. After assembling the pieces that I have, my best advice is to not make the afterlife your goal. Instead, find humility so you can access the afterlife now. Then, very little will change upon our death.