Tag Archives: keven winder

484-Inevitable Terrible Traps: part 2

“Does it really make a difference if the Bible isn’t interpreted correctly? When a passage doesn’t make sense, or seems impossible, how many people just move on from it as if it doesn’t really matter?

In today’s podcast and post I will offer an interpretation that I hope will help you, and that will free you from having this verse misused against you. 

Join me now as class is in session, and we follow Christ into one of his most controversial conversations, and do our best to hear his teaching again…for the very first time.

483- Inevitable Terrible Traps: part 1

“Have you ever found yourself wrestling with a verse from the Bible? One which didn’t seem to make sense, or seemed incongruent, or seemed impossible to take literally?

In today’s podcast and post, we lay the groundwork for one of those verses that creates so much tension, confusion, and even division. Is it really that difficult or is has religion made it so? 

Join me now as I set the stage for a passage that religion insists must be interpreted literally, but no one ever does, not even those who teach it

482-Who’s the Best?

“Is there anything wrong with wanting to be the best? To be the next greatest thing? Of course not, unless you’re trying to go to heaven.

In today’s podcast and post, we shadow Christ in one of his teachings about heaven. He gives explicit instructions on how we are to enter it, and surprisingly everything religion told us we needed to do is not even mentioned.

Join me now as we hear this story again for the very first time, and consider who really is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

481-Fix Your Faith 8: Conclusion: Ten Watersheds

“What do you think are the most common areas of confusion when it comes to spiritual formation?”

In today’s podcast and post, we conclude our series entitled “Fix Your Faith” with a look at ten watershed issues that either stunt our growth and hold us captive, or truly set our lives free.

Join me now as I give you just a taste of these key considerations which I hope will start you into a transformative discovery, and fix your faith.

480-Fix Your Faith: Politically Over-Identified

“Do you think that the bible aligns more with conservative politics or liberal politics? If you feel the answer is very clear, then guess what?…You’ve taken the mark of the Beast.”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled “Fix Your Faith” with an examination of the authority of politics and the State. Influencers and commentors love to use the Bible for their political end, but don’t be so easily convinced.

Join me now as I show you the persona behind politics and how to you can become free from your slavery to it.

479-Fix Your Faith 6: Freedom From Religion

“When I use the title ‘freedom from religion’ do you assume I’m suggesting we leave get rid of these institutions?”

In today’s podcast and post I’ll discuss the next institutional authority that must be subverted if we truly desire freedom in our lives. The only way to fix our faith is to accurately define religion and then become free of its name.

Join me now as I reveal why the religious industrial complex should never have become big business, and why freedom from religion is the only path to reform the Church and restore its power and message.

478-Fix Your Faith 5: Friends and Vocation

“Have you ever asked: “Is this all there is?” Have you ever felt like life is an exhausting treadmill from which you cannot get off, or one on which you fear getting on?

In today’s podcast and post, we explore the institutional authorities of our friends and vocations. I’ll reveal why we can’t just “Pick the right job” and everything will work out. 

Join me now as I explain why so many people are imprisoned by friends and vocation, and how we can subvert this authority with a new name, and begin healing our lives.

477-Fix Your Faith 4: Slipping Through Family

“Is it true when people say: “Family is the most important thing.” Should our focus really be on our family?”

In today’s podcast and post we explore the authority of our family of origin. We’ll unpack how some families don’t really know their members and how they can be an impediment to freedom.

Join me now as we discover that the path to personal change, lasting freedom, and having a close, integrated family, is first to subvert authority of our family.

476-Fix Your Faith 3: The Perfect Prayer

“Do you still think of prayer as a ritual in a religious service, or a way to ask God for stuff? Do you ever feel like you just need a few minutes of silence to gain your bearings in life?  If so, you’re not alone.”

In today’s podcast and post I add another layer to our discussion on prayer, by looking closer at our need to get away and hide sometimes.

Join me now as offer you the world’s most perfect prayer, and why religion doesn’t teach it, and why we all struggle to perceive it.

475-Fix Your Faith 2: Our Prayer Life Sucks

“How would you describe your “prayer life?” Do you essentially pray the same thing every time? Are you inconsistent or are your prayers just a list of requests?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled “Fix Your Faith” by following Christ’s example of withdrawing from people to pray in secret. We’ll learn why prayer is not a ritual that we use for requests, but something much deeper.

Join me now as we fix our prayer life by looking closer at those moments when we think we are talking to ourselves, and extend that conversation into the entirety of life.