Tag Archives: KevKast

42- The guy who tried to convert me.


Whether it be one of those manipulative Facebook posts or a person with strong religious convictions, we all tend to have a similar reaction toward things that seem like we are getting set up. In this post I show how this experience is telling us that we are bumping up against a rigid binary system where we will be deemed valid or invalid. It turns out that religion is full of duality whereas true spirituality evolves into a ternary mindset and is evidenced by the simple beauty of humility.

41-Dark Days 6: The Dark Night


In this concluding episode, I show how the two approaches that we have been exploring greatly diverge leaving us two very different trajectories. There are profound reasons to see depression and anxiety as portals through which we enter a broader experience with ultimate reality. If we choose rather to deflect or eradicate the dark night, we may very well miss the deepest part of our soul.

40: Dark Days 5, Seeing the Puller


We are beginning to turn a corner now in our examination of depression and anxiety. The alternative perspective that I have been unfolding reaches a vital frameshift in this weeks post. Even though depression and anxiety appear to stop us in our tracks, the reality is that we are actually moving. If we examine our natural fall line we learn that we are actually moving opposite of our gravitational trend. This exposes something that will enable us to burst through the paradigms that are no longer helping us. Click now to learn this vital insight.

39-Dark Days part 4: The Story we Believe.


To rise from our funk we must change brain chemicals but that doesn’t mean we need to rely on prescription drugs or self numbing. In this post I share many alternatives to prescription drugs that are proven to have a greater effect on brain chemistry and they do so without side effects.

But the issue goes much deeper and we must explore what causes the chemicals in the first place. Our truth story is the one thing that either serves as a counterbalance to the impacts of life or it becomes the thing that exacerbates them and forms a feedback loop.

I share why this is so hard to combat, and I illuminate a vital key that is often missed in most forms of therapy. This key will provide tremendous strength to a wider truth story and infuse you with a new strategy in our darkest hours.

38- Dark Days 3: Brain or Consciousness?


It may seem strange to say that someone who struggles with anxiety or depression is actually having a TRUTH problem. In this episode, I will explore a nuance that is often missed when we entrust ourselves to the clinical path for addressing these problems. We go deeper into the relationship between the brain and our consciousness and this causes a potential frameshift to bubble to the surface.

37-Dark Days 2: What’s Your Compass?


If you or a loved one is suffering from depression or anxiety, it is very likely that the only trusted resource to find a solution will be a medical or psychological professional. Most people would consider “spiritual” advice to be unreliable, untestable, or at the minimum something to which we should be skeptical.  In this episode I explain that the human soul (Psuché-from which we get Psychology) is the authority in non-physical reality. If our goal in mental health is to alter our consciousness then consciousness is ultimately a spiritual consideration and as such I introduce a watershed question.

36- Dark Days 1: Good News, You’re Depressed!


So many people in our world suffer from anxiety and depression. I personally have been dealing with anxiety since my late twenties. In the arena of mental and emotional health, our society primarily turns to brain and behavioral science professionals as the exclusive authority. In this podcast I introduce the notion that the soul is not distinct form our brains or our behavior, but encompasses all of our humanity. Furthermore, as an expert in the soul, I will offer another perspective on how to approach these common problems. What if these problems are not something for which we must strive to eradicate, but are symptomatic of something larger and actually function as the means to a much greater end?

35-Competition as Heart Disease


Our culture is defined by competition. Many people derive their identity by it. We’ve all seen how competition can be a great thing but have you ever considered what is really behind a “poor sport?” We train our kids to see the world as a binary system of winners and losers. In business, sports, education, religion, and dating we have developed a chronic form of heart disease, known as otherness. In this post, I share that the solution is not the abandonment of competition, but applying the single greatest principal of life.

34- Church and State, part 2


In this second half of our look at the Church and State, we focus on the growing population of people who are in a form of exile. Independence from a formative container is scary and requires us to endure an arid, arduous experience without the support of the system. See why so many are opting for this authentic life rather than settle for the existence provided for the masses. Unity and diversity can coexist. The song enclosed represents a fast growing global community that can tell the difference between captivity and freedom and who have bravely walked through the exile to reach the family on the other side. Will join us?

33- Church and State, part 1


We are all born under the influence of the Church and State. While these two powerhouses are supposed to be separated, they actually function as two sides of the same coin. Our country is divided based on which of these authority systems we prefer to govern us. If we step back we can see that the problem is not either of these governments, but the binary, dualistic nature that fuels each one. Both church and state infect us with “otherness” which gives us an identity in exchange for our true self. The solution is easy and within our grasp, but we must be willing to face an exile.