Tag Archives: liberation

309-5-What’s Under Your Foot

“What does it mean to have all things in subjection to someone? How would life be different if we were to see all things as essentially perfect?

Today we reach our fifth installment of our deep dive into the book of Hebrews where the author builds a case for why Jesus could be preeminent over the audience’s religious icon, Moses. He does this not to convert any to a new religion, but to liberate all people and all things from any religious framework based in retribution unto a new faith based in restoration.

Join me now as we see beyond our so called world full of meaningless suffering and get a glimpse of an emerging world where nothing meaningless can exist.

307-3- Rescuing a Clueless World

“Is our world too far gone to be rescued? Or are we witnessing the events of progress?

I know that this question has a polarizing effect on each of us and that is precisely the problem. Without realizing it our world has drifted away into religious tribal thinking. In today’s podcast and post we continue our look at the Book of Hebrews as the author lays the groundwork of rescue to a very religious audience.

Join me now as we see beyond our modern digital experience to reveal how the modern mind is actually a deeply religious mind and why the present state of the world cannot receive salvation or rescue.

304- The Soul’s Amnesia

“Do you think most people actually know themselves? The answer may surprise you.

Our feeds are constantly being bombarded with people who are “proud of who they are” or who are proclaiming that they are true to themselves, but how can a person who succumbed to their own impulses know anything of their true self? In today’s podcast and post we explore what it means to forget who we truly are.

Join me now as we see beyond the claims of our fictional persona’s and uncover just how bad our amnesia really is.

302-ReThinking Anxiety and Insomnia

“Do you suffer from anxiety or insomnia? Maybe you need a new definition…

In today’s podcast and post I propose an alternative way to view anxiety and insomnia. As someone who has suffered with these for much of my life, I have discovered a profoundly liberating framework from which I’ve found a lasting sense of peace and rest.

Join me now as I offer a new definition of anxiety which invites us to consider that these are not problems for which we must seek treatment, but are instead invitations to a deeper dimension of life.

298-Nothing is Harder than This

“Why is it so hard to change the mind of a stubborn person? My answer may surprise you.

In today’s podcast and post we explore why some people insist on holding certain beliefs even if such beliefs cause themselves or others to suffer. I’ll reveal why the “religious mind” is not limited to those who subscribe to religion, and why scripture reveals it to be the most lost mind a person can have.

Join me now as we see beyond everything and I offer an extremely difficult path to personal and global freedom.

290-Launch Your Life 5- The Depth Delusion

“Does your life have a depth dimension or a depth delusion?

In the conclusion of our series entitled, “Launch Your Life,” we explore what is beyond a life of depth. In our world, we are conditioned to skim over reality and live in the unsatisfying quest for the “next thing” not realizing it is masking a pseudonym of despair.

Join me now as I endeavor to slow us down, muffle the noise and confusion of life, so that we can gain awareness to that “still small voice” which leads us to a multi-dimensional, abundant, satisfying and meaningful life.

250 One World 7-Christianity as Imperial Overreach

“How well do you know Christianity?”

In the West, the Institution of the Christian religion has been the most dominant system of faith, but has been losing it’s influence as people increasingly reject the traditions of their parents. In today’s podcast and post we’ll discover that not all people are rejecting the faith, but instead, they are abandoning the dark shadow of institutionalized religion. 

Join me now as we learn to see the voice that continues to call people out from the overreach of imperial religion and into a living faith which exists beyond everything.

243- One World: 1 Expanding Our View

“Do you think it’s possible for a diverse world to live in peace and equity? I do.

In today’s podcast and post we begin a series that will reveal how our world has gone off track in its pursuit of unity. In our efforts to end the pain and suffering of those marginalized by our society, we have turned to institutional power which has elevated uniformity and agreement over diversity and unity.

Join me now as we see beyond our dividing lines of religion, race, and politics into the greatest human rights violation that has ever existed, the loss of our true self.

236- We don’t FEAR infection…

“Are you afraid of catching COVID-19?” Actually, you aren’t…

Fear and uncertainty is ramping up and doubling faster than any infection of coronavirus. Our anxieties are high, and now politics is playing the binary banjo strings to pit us against one another again. In today’s podcast and post, I will explain what all the fear is really about.

Join me now as we see beyond the fear propaganda machines, and look deeper at the existential reality of losing our life. This portal allows us to see the thing we really ought to fear.

234- FREEaster

“How can a Middle Eastern man from two-thousand years ago make us free?”

It’s Easter Sunday and all over the world, people’s personal freedoms have been stifled due to the pandemic. This allows us to see two very different views on freedom which permeate every aspect of our lives. In today’s podcast and post we will look beyond the pandemic at these two worldviews through the lens of the Easter story.

Join me now as we see beyond the two thieves (belief and unbelief) and discover how the Easter story offers a third perspective which bring lasting freedom.