Tag Archives: religion

443-Rome 20: God is FOR Us…

“What does it mean when Paul says: “God is FOR us.” And why does religion insist God is only for those on his team?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans examining one of the most encouraging passages in scripture, and how religion has shrunk it’s big message, constraining it into a backward framework.

Join me now as I do my best to bring to you the scale and proportion of this Good News, so that we can all possess these words of Life.

440-Rome 18: The Amazon Boxes Keep Coming

“What does it mean to be “In Christ.” Popular preachers tell us that it means we have been converted to the Christian religion, or that we belong to the correct Christian church, but Paul has another idea…

In today’s podcast and post we continue in our series in Romans with another section of chapter eight, where Paul makes a distinction about what it means to be “in Christ.”

Join me now as Paul reveals how his Christology can free all comers from the limitations of both Plato and religion.

434-Rome 13: If God Justifies All, Why Even Try?

“If God has justified all people, then what’s the point of trying to live morally? Why not just let everyone do whatever they want?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series examining Paul’s letter to Rome, with a look at the pushback that his religious audience is giving. What is it about the Gospel that causes the religious mind to reject its inclusivity? Why doesn’t it make sense to some?

Join me now as we learn Paul’s framework for how this all plays out, and why so many prefer religion to the Gospel.

433-Rome 12: Good News is Actually Good for ALL

“If the Gospel is called the Good News, then why isn’t it good for so many in our world? Is it possible, that religion has distorted the Gospel to the point that we no longer recognize it? 

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series examining Paul’s letter to Rome. We’ll examine the original text and clearly follow Paul’s defense of his Good News which said: “All people are made right with God.”…something religion rejects.

Join me now as Paul reasons with the religious mind and invites all comers into a larger and freer understanding of faith.

430- Rome 10: Abraham’s Faith Predates Religion

“Do you believe Abraham is in Heaven? If so, how did he get there without converting to Christianity or any world religion?

In today’s podcast and post, I will join Paul in his effort to prove that world religion has obscured the Gospel rather than proclaim it, and this is proven by just how hard it is for some to accept Paul’s words as he has written them.

Join me now as we read Paul’s explanation for believing that while all people do not share a religion, we do in fact, all share a faith.

428-Rome 8-The Religious Are NOT Better Off

“If the modern Gospel is an invitation to convert to the Christian religion, then why does Paul spend so much time deconstructing religion? Could it be that religion has misunderstood the Gospel?”

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series in Paul’s letter to Rome, tracing Paul’s gospel all the way back to Abraham, and how religion misunderstood it.

Join me now as we re-discover that the Gospel has been proclaiming freedom from religion for over four-thousand years.

425-Rome 6-Paul Deconstructs Religion

“Is there only one true religion? If so, why does every religion claim to be the true one?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in the book of Romans, as Paul turns his direction toward the religious mind. Paul deconstructs the outward displays of religious piety and shows how the non-religious person can be more righteous depending upon what’s in his or her heart.

Join me now as Paul drives us to the point of asking “Then what’s the point of religion?” as he sets us up for chapter three.

420- Rome 1- Freedom from Fundamentalism

“How well do you understand the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Romans? If you are like most people, the answer is; “Not too well.”

In today’s podcast and post we begin a new series examining the book of Romans. While this may seem like a daunting task, laden with layers of theological complexity, that assumption only means we have bought into fundamentalism’s propaganda.

Join me now as we rediscover Romans without two thousand years of Church history spackled on top of it. We’ll learn that this letter was intended to get “everyone” out of religion, not  lock us into one.

410-9-The Church of Children

“What does it mean to become like a child?” 

In today’s podcast and post we consider Jesus’ blueprint for His Church with the prerequisite that we become like a child. So how did religion become dogmatic about what is required to go to heaven, without really understanding Jesus’ teaching?

Join me now as we see beyond “childlike faith” and consider a text that if understood, would never have allowed religion’s version of heaven to exist

405-5-The Church of Self Denial

“When Jesus said: “I will build my church…” did he envision a comfortable place? Or a place to make people feel good about themselves? Or a place with a strict process for joining?

In today’s podcast and post we peel back another layer in our series where we examine Jesus blueprint for the Church, as we consider the biblical requirements for membership.

Join me now as we discover that joining Jesus’ true Church is less like a celebration or a ceremony, and more like a death.