Tag Archives: prayer

476-Fix Your Faith 3: The Perfect Prayer

“Do you still think of prayer as a ritual in a religious service, or a way to ask God for stuff? Do you ever feel like you just need a few minutes of silence to gain your bearings in life?  If so, you’re not alone.”

In today’s podcast and post I add another layer to our discussion on prayer, by looking closer at our need to get away and hide sometimes.

Join me now as offer you the world’s most perfect prayer, and why religion doesn’t teach it, and why we all struggle to perceive it.

475-Fix Your Faith 2: Our Prayer Life Sucks

“How would you describe your “prayer life?” Do you essentially pray the same thing every time? Are you inconsistent or are your prayers just a list of requests?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled “Fix Your Faith” by following Christ’s example of withdrawing from people to pray in secret. We’ll learn why prayer is not a ritual that we use for requests, but something much deeper.

Join me now as we fix our prayer life by looking closer at those moments when we think we are talking to ourselves, and extend that conversation into the entirety of life.

460-The Concierge of Contemplation

“Are you ready to try something different? Can you carve out some time to be present with this content?

In today’s podcast and post I am going to give you a guided tour into my own contemplative practice. We’ll journey from our chair, through our breath, into our naked being whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.

Join me now as I serve as your concierge of sacred space and lead you into your own contemplative experience, while I point out a few things along the way.

459- What is Contemplation?

“When you hear the term “Contemplation” what comes to your mind?  Many think its having deep thoughts, others see it as meditation, while others are skeptical because they have a negative understanding of the mystics.

In today’s podcast and post I do my best to answer the question: What is Contemplation? I’ll share the common assumptions, misconceptions, and my framework for understanding it.

Join me now as I explain the unexplainable with the hope that everyone listening will consider making it a practice in their daily life.

303-Behind Unanswered Prayer

“If nearly every religion has a practice of prayer, then why do so few seem to understand what prayer is?

In today’s podcast and post I reveal how both believers and unbelievers have misunderstood prayer and as a result, suffer confusion about the purpose and function of prayer.

Join me now as we look through the portal of contemplation and discover why many so-called prayers are not actually prayers, and why it’s absolutely necessary for some prayers to never be answered at all.

226- The Healing Practice-Part 1: Intro & Posture

“Is there something we can do that will bring all forms of healing into our world?”

Yes, but we probably won’t want to do it. Throughout human history, within all sectors of society, contemplative and meditative prayer practices have, and continue to me, portals through which healing has emerged within the lives of people. It has transformed ancient societies and still does to this day.

In the concluding episodes of our series on healing, I will take you as a visitor along with me as I explain the practice that I imperfectly employ within my life. I’ll share the challenges, pitfalls, and transformation from opening up to the Divine. Join me now as we see beyond religious ritual and learn how everyday people can tap into and join the flow of healing within our lives and world.

220-Healing our Bodies through Faith

“Is it reasonable to expect healing when science has concluded that healing is not possible?

In today’s post and podcast, we go a bit deeper into our exploration of healing, by examining the role of faith in healing our bodies. Quantum science has forced the rewriting of empirical frameworks for understanding our world and moves us incrementally closer to the world depicted in sacred texts.

Join me now as I show the similarities between quantum entanglement and prayer, and take us beyond everything into their single biggest difference. That difference, may just be the reason why faith changes everything, even science.

199-Praying NOT Performing

“What does it mean to pray like a hypocrite?”

If we’re honest, how often is prayer something we have to endure? How often do our minds wander? How often does praying make us uncomfortable? We’ve encountered prayers so long and verbose they have sermons within them. We see demonstrative prayers, sometimes standing in circles at restaurants, or bowing on blankets in airports, or threatening with a loud speaker in public venues. To whom are such prayers directed; God or everyone around? Jesus calls it hypocrisy. 

In today’s post and podcast we continue Jesus’ deconstruction of religious acts of righteousness and see beyond praying as performance. Join me now as once again we enter our hidden place where God dwells but religion can never come.