Tag Archives: Putting things Right

165-Putting Things Right…


“What if religion has so highjacked people’s lives that liberation from it seemed sinful?”

Back in 2011 I posed this question to my then elder board at a church in which I served. The question so gripped me that within a year I would step away from church leadership and pursue an online ministry to liberate people from the frameworks and institutions that imprison their lives.

In today’s podcast we begin a series where we will examine Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia. The church which started by liberating people from their frameworks and institutions had slipped right back into the same old institutional power plays that they left in the first place.

Join me now as we introduce this series by revealing how the scandal in Galatia remains a scandal today. If you’ve ever wondered what Paul would say if he could see the state of modern Christianity, then you are in the right place, as this series will help both the religious and non-religious to see beyond everything.