Tag Archives: salvation

95-Burden of Belief


Religious system are constantly playing “Red Rover” with the world as they try to turn unbelievers into believers. They shift the burden of belief to outsiders and offer a binary choice of either “in” or  “out.” In today’s podcast and post I ask the question: “Can a threat create authentic faith?” I offer an explanation for why the faith of every person is valid and why we need to avoid competitive religions or truth claims. If we do, the result is an authentic belief that stems from the suffering and mess of everyday life. It’s accessible to all and there is no threshold or burden of belief. There are not multiple stories of varying validity of which we are burdened to choose, there is only one story retold in every person, which means faith is accessible to all.

69- The God of Christmas.


What does is mean that God has come into the world? Is the nativity story the only time that has happened? If not, why is the birth of Jesus so emphasized in the church? In this conclusion of this Advent series I will explore the two common ways that the Jewish prophesy of Isaiah 9 is unfolding before us. It is my hope that by placing these two approaches next to each other, that you will intuit on a deep, soul level the difference between conversion and completion, and in doing so, discover that the God of Christmas has awakened all of our hearts.