Tag Archives: spirit

260-Called Out 2: How it Began and Begins for us

“Have you ever compared the modern church to the one depicted in the Bible?

The difference is shocking. In today’s podcast and post we explore how over the centuries, the church has morphed from a community gathering into a global institutional power, complete with cradle to the grave programs, full-time staff members, and a political force of counter-cultural propaganda. Was that the goal of its Founder?

Join me now as we see beyond our jumbotrons, worship bands and fog machines, and learn how the Church started back then and how to discern the “real” thing amidst our culturally contrived institutions.

228-The Healing Practice- Part 3: Mind & Being

In this episode I conclude my description of the healing practice by exploring the point when we get to the end of our words and can finally abide, sit still, and be in and with Divine presence. This portal will allow all comers to see just how everything is possible and beautiful. It gives us just enough of a glimpse that we can re-enter the work of each day with a completely new disposition and attitude.

227- The Healing Practice-Part 2: Breath & Healing

Trying to capture all that glimpses of what goes into my practices takes more time than I thought. In part two we look at how breath, wind or Spirit is a grounding principle and how I use it to initiate the flow of displacement within my life. I explore the dangers of getting the flow in the wrong direction and how to bring others and our larger concerns of the world into this dynamic exchange.

226- The Healing Practice-Part 1: Intro & Posture

“Is there something we can do that will bring all forms of healing into our world?”

Yes, but we probably won’t want to do it. Throughout human history, within all sectors of society, contemplative and meditative prayer practices have, and continue to me, portals through which healing has emerged within the lives of people. It has transformed ancient societies and still does to this day.

In the concluding episodes of our series on healing, I will take you as a visitor along with me as I explain the practice that I imperfectly employ within my life. I’ll share the challenges, pitfalls, and transformation from opening up to the Divine. Join me now as we see beyond religious ritual and learn how everyday people can tap into and join the flow of healing within our lives and world.

175- The Drawer of Naughtiness

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“How successful have you been at eradicating sin from your life?”

I know that’s a loaded question but my hope is that you will answer it honestly and recognize that while some sins may cease or diminish, there are still a host of sins in our lives that simply won’t go away. What are we to do with those?

In today’s post and podcast we continue our exploration of Galatians when Paul opens up what I call the junk drawer of naughtiness. His list of interpersonal transgressions is very long and it’s likely some of your besetting sins are on it. Join me now as we learn to see beyond the battle of flesh and the spirit and gain a new way to understand and live with these two powerful forces within us.

173- Shadow: Interplay with Light

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“Are you aware of your shadow self? Do you understand your dark side?”

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our study of Galatians and explore how internal freedom is entangled with the captivity of our flesh. In other words there is a constant dance between shadow and light, flesh and spirit.

Join me now as we learn about our dark side, and free ourselves from the old binary framework of good versus evil. We’ll explore the only possible reason our shadow can exist in the first place and why that allows us to see beyond everything.

94- Body and Soul

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Last week I proved the existence of non-physical reality. In this weeks post and podcast we go deeper by examining the interplay between the physical (body) and the non-physical (soul) by looking at our bodies. We err when our dualistic mind forces us to pick whether we are a body without a soul or a soul trapped in a body. We are a hybridization of both limitless spirit within a limited body and the design is interdependence.  The limitations of our body are purposed to develop our soul and the soul shapes the works of the body. Unfortunately, religion turns this into behavior modification or sin management. Nonetheless, there remains an icon for us in the Christian story to view ultimate humanity. The interplay between body and soul is both the cause of all suffering and the healing of the world. What will it be for you?