Tag Archives: truth

Seeing and Not Seeing


“Do you think your religious belief is the only one that is true?”

 The healing of the man born blind is not really about physical healing, but the miracle of sight, particularly spiritual seeing. Truth, light, and seeing are metaphors to access something well beyond the story.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond everything as we unearth a larger picture that is so uncomfortable that most religious people will simply reject it.

122-The Guy Who Posts Religious Stuff



This will be the last “rerun” for a while as we will begin broadcasting “Beyond Everything Radio” next week. This post comes from 2015 and I talk about what we all experience every single day. What goes on inside our heads when we hear people post various things online? What happens when someone posts something about God? In this post and podcast I share an experience with someone else’s message, while totally owning the fact that to others, I am that guy. When we boil it down, we discover that we are all in the same boat. None of us have all the truth, while we all have some of it. Thus we are all partial believers in the truth. What a great place to start learning. I hope you’ll tune in today.

112- How to Change Your Mind


Have you ever thought the world would be so much better if it weren’t for “those” people? If you haven’t noticed, our world is deeply polarized around nearly every issue. This illuminates two vital realities that we will explore in this podcast and post: that we have a deficient binary way of thinking, and that we all can imagine the world better than it is. If the world is to begin healing, we must move from a binary framework of thinking into a higher, wider, “third way” of thinking. The way to change our mind begins NOT with what we think, but how we think. Once we identify just how much power our ego has within a binary framework, we quickly realize that the world could literally change overnight by gaining a transcendent perspective. We can argue whether it is day or night, but both opposite perspectives are equally true. To change the how, the ego has to die so that humility can lead the way.

81- Confused?


I know that I confuse a lot of people. This happens because I bring together seemingly unrelated ideas. Our confusion is often dismissed or skimmed over and in the podcast and post I want to invite you to explore areas of confusion because it is a window into something truly profound. Here I will weave together multiple diverse ingredients as an object lesson that exposes how our pride robs us of learning from others and it robs the world of our unique contribution. This is all hidden beyond our confusion and I’ll help you gain the required categories in order to see it.