Monthly Archives: May 2017

89- Corporate Kool-Aid


We all know something about drinking the corporate Kool-Aid, but have you considered just how deep this subject actually goes? In this podcast and post I will show that drinking the corporate Kool-Aid is the price we pay in order to receive the identity and life that our organizations can give us. Unhappiness is the realization that the Kool-Aid is unavoidable and some people think the answer is to become anti-corporate or to go off the grid. Freedom is possible and it is found in a paradoxical way. We need not give up on society, or our dreams, but we must surrender the means. One rule replaces all the rules. One motivation replaces all motivations.  A true identity means we are free from the one the system gives us. Freedom is to be in the world but not of it.

88- Justice: It’s NOT what you think.


Based on all the feedback and questions I decided to add one more addition to this series. It will be extremely difficult to expand or alter one’s view of Heaven and Hell unless we get to the bottom of JUSTICE. In this post and podcast, I will prove that justice is not based in retribution as we are all taught, but in restoration. The overarching goal of God is not to get even with us, but to make everyone of us whole. For those who can’t get over injustice, I share a story that destroys retribution and I offer a link with 132 verses from scripture just to prove how predominant this alternative sense of justice really is.

87- The Afterlife


What happens when we die? This question has ignited both science and religion. In this post and podcast I will take the best of science, sacred text, and human experience and list eleven key considerations that will widen our understanding. Of course no one knows for sure what is on the other side, but we are left with amazing clues. After assembling the pieces that I have, my best advice is to not make the afterlife your goal. Instead, find humility so you can access the afterlife now. Then, very little will change upon our death.

86 – The Chasm


In part three of this series we examine a story that depicts a vast rift between Heaven and Hell called the great chasm. In this podcast and post I will show that this is not a geological feature of a literal Hell, but an aspect of separation within the heart. Furthermore, we discover that the chasm reveals the potentiation of seemingly small things and proves they are actually really big things. I show how all of religion tries to address this problem and I break down the solution to its most basic form that each of us can apply.