Tag Archives: sin

457-Rome 31: Freedom or Non Faith

“What is your definition of sin? Is sin all the bad things we do, or the good things we don’t do?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans as Paul uses his instruction about not judging others and accommodating those who are weak in faith to open up a life-hack that redraws the boundaries of our freedom and our sin.

Join me now as we discover a freedom and way to live which very few of us are able to comprehend.

397-4-Shadow and Image

“Do you know the difference between and image and a shadow?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series entitled; “A Course in Darkness” with an examination of the metaphors of an image and a shadow. Throughout human history, we have tried a million different things to free ourselves from our dark side, or our shadow yet nothing has ever worked.

Join me now as I explain why moralism, psychology, religion, and denial have no power over our shadow, and how we can be restored to an image.

385- Thorn in the Flesh?

“Are you familiar with saying: “A thorn in the flesh?” How well do you understand this idea?

In today’s podcast and post I am going to give you not only the backstory behind Paul’s famous trope, but I will unpack its theological implications and why it’s important for those being liberated from religious overreach.

Join me now as we discover that the thorn is not an object, but a subject dispatched by love to keep us close to God.

284-Part 6-The Death of Sin

“Have you ever felt as though you had two distinct parts: the good part and the bad part?

Realizing that all humanity shares both an amazing capacity for goodness as well as evil is not only a vital key of self-awareness and the means which allows us to treat other with more grace, but it is the unknown Easter story.

In today’s podcast and post, we conclude our series on sin by placing a verse in Revelations under the microscope. Not only will we see the pathogen of sin for what it is, but we discover that religion has withheld the best part of the story.

283-Part 5-The Epicenter of Suffering and Bliss

“If religion and politics have not been able to end human suffering, why do we continue to place our trust in them?”

We all know personal change is hard. We have endless blind spots and malware scripts which plague our lives, harm our relationships, and destroy our world. In today’s post and podcast, I will reverse engineer every problem in the world to it’s “Big Bang” moment found within each of us.

Join me now as we deconstruct the architecture of our oblivious life of falsehood where we will see the beauty of the design and the path which can restore the entire cosmos.

282-Part 4- The Stumbling Block of Justice

“Has religion ever produced superior people? Or just those who think they are?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our deep-dive course on the subterranean world of our sin as we look closely at how it is related to our misunderstanding of Justice. As a result, religion divides our world into sinners and saints.

Join me now as prove that retribution has been replaced with restoration, and why neither the religious nor the irreligious can handle this Good News.

281-Part 3-The Pseudo Kardia

“Do you know anyone who is deceiving themselves? Do you live in self-deceit?

In today’s podcast and post we descend into the subterranean world of the false-self and reveal that the subject is not pop-psychology, but at the very heart of Hebrew scripture and New Testament theology.

Join me now as this study unveils just how bad our sinful condition actually is, and why our study is not leading you deeper into religion.

279-Time to Talk about Sin

“How well do you know the depths of your own sin?”

I know the subject of sin is extremely unpopular. When it comes up, we immediately assume we are going to be criticized, judged or threatened, and why wouldn’t we, the church has used sin to bludgeon its people into compliance and behavior modification programs. No wonder so many people are confused and put off by the subject, and why the church has become such a mess.

In today’s podcast and post we begin a series where we will mine the depths of our shadow side and become students of our own sin. Join me now as regain our equality as complete moral failures, and learn why this is beautiful and purposeful Good Newsfor the world.

278-Stop Acting Surprised by Ravi Zacharias

“Are you shocked and offended at the headlines relating to apologist Ravi Zacharias?”

By now, many of you have read the headlines about Ravi Zacharias and as I record this, leaders and ministries are pulling back from his ministry and taking a moral high ground of disassociation. This would be fine except, that is the exact opposite of what the church is called to do.

In today’s podcast and post I will use this disheartening current event to expose a fundamental area of confusion in the Christian faith, and try to steer the church back on course. Join me now as we see beyond the accusations of a top ministry leader, to expose a far more pernicious sin that is manifesting itself across Christian ministries.

252-One World 9-The Sin of the World

“What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “Sin?”

Is sin merely a “bad deed” we do? Is it the “good deed” we didn’t do? In today’s podcast and post we look closer at how this Kindergarten understanding of sin has allowed institutionalized religion to manipulate our emotions and our behavior. We all see the sin and evil problem that exists in the world, so why hasn’t religion been able to solve it?

Join me now as we see beyond the legal problem of sin and discover why the sin problem is actually ontological and why that means religious solutions will continue to fail us. Is there any hope for the world? Yes, and it’s really good news.