Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.


“Is distraction a bad thing and focus a good thing? What can we discover when we see beyond them?

In today’s podcast, post and video, I will reveal how the most focused person may actually be in a feedback loop of distraction. I’ll explain how possessing the right focus may seem counterintuitive to all we’ve learned.

Join me now as we see beyond our distractions by asking the right kind of questions. This opens up a new way of seeing, living, and being, which is no longer distracted


“Do we live in a godless world? What does that actually mean anyway?”

In today’s podcast, post and video we examine what it really means to be godless and what if anything we can do about it. As you’ll discover, everything we hate about our world is primarily found “out there” because we are oblivious to it within our self.

Join me now as we see beyond our godless delusion, and awaken to the groaning New World which is waiting for us within our next interaction. 


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“What is healing? Is it merely a biological process?”

In today’s podcast, post and video, I will reveal how healing is so much more than we commonly think and why so many people live in a chronic state of pain, confusion, and disintegration.

Join me now as we see beyond healing our bodies and see why healing comprises a holistic integration between our bodies and the center of our being or self.


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“Are people really stupid? Or is there more to the story?

In today’s podcast, post and video I share a few metaphors which I hope will illuminate a new perspective on reality. The way we each frame reality is often too small, to rigid, and reveals that we have no real understanding.

Join me now as we see beyond all that we have not understood, and discover why this opens up a new way to live within a far bigger reality.

342- Half Picture- START

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“What makes some moments truly special?

Why do people love the outdoors and being out in nature? When a baby is born or when a death occurs, what is it about these moments that causes us to regain our perspective in life?

In today’s podcast and post we will endeavor to gaze beyond the surface level and see beyond everything as we look into these existential moments and discover that these are ground zero for the most amazing Event Horizon of our lives. 

341-The Twenty-Seventh

“Does spiritual awareness really make a difference in our lives?”

Today we return to our ongoing series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a look at the Twenty Seventh Psalm. In our hurried lives of distraction, it’s common for modern people to ignore, dismiss, or avoid stillness and reflection upon our spiritual condition. This enlarges the amount of emotional pain that we must suppress leaving many of us with a sense of anger or despair just below the surface of our lives.

Join me now as we see beyond everything and follow David’s pointing finger toward the unseen world. We will take a few tips from David and perhaps we can become honest like him and allow all the subterranean reality to bubble to the surface, where we can give it the attention it requires.

340-Famous Last Words 14-I have overcome the World

What did Jesus mean when he said “I have overcome the world.”?

Today we conclude our series entitled “Famous Last Words” with a look at Jesus last bit of advice prior to his final prayer for his disciples. We can all identify so easily with his statement that we would have trouble in this world, so why can’t we agree on what it means to overcome the world?

Join me now as Jesus offers the most liberating advice to all who will hear it and learn why his path to peace is the very opposite of religion.

339-Famous Last Words 13: Your Advantage that I go

“Do people really believe they are better off with Jesus having left the world?

Modern faith systems are always talking about how they want Jesus to come back and to judge the world, and exact vengeance on those who don’t believe. In today’s podcast and post we explore Jesus’ clear message to his disciples that it was to their advantage that he goes away.

Join me now as we see beyond our tribal beliefs and rediscover what it means that the Holy Spirit has been sent to convict Religion and State regarding Sin, Righteousness and Judgement. Turns out, we all have a job to do.

338-The Easter Experience

“What is Easter all about? Culturally it’s a huge religious holiday, but is that the real Easter Experience?

In today’s podcast and post we pause from our series to unpack the Easter experience. As usual, this podcast is going to take us in a completely different direction from everything else going on this morning.

Join me now, if you can, to be still, quiet and not clinging to anything, and you will see beyond everything, beyond the distraction and noise, and array of thoughts and emotions. Perhaps if you do, you may have a genuine Easter experience.

337-Famous Last Words 12-They will put you out of the Synagogues

“How does modern religion reconcile it’s push for people to become “churchgoers” with Jesus warning that his message will get you kicked out of religion?” The two trajectories couldn’t be more opposite?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series on Jesus’ famous last words with a look at his warning that his followers will be put out of the synagogues.  What does Jesus mean when he says that religious people will hate you because they hated him first? Join me now as the sobriety of these verses presses against our true affiliation toward either the container of religion or its contents.