Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.

156-Wise Man Says: Nothing New Here


“Do you ever find yourself on the edge of despair?”

Has life not turned out like you thought it would? Did it not yield to you all that it seemed to promise while you were in your youth? If so, then you are not alone. In today’s podcast we take a look at the ebb and flow of life and take some advice from the wisest man that ever lived.

Join me now as we see beyond all of our effort and output and our climbing and striving, to discover what is really going on beyond it all.

155-Institutional Power is Not What it seems.


“Do you derive power from any institutions?”

Throughout life we migrate from family, to social networks, to organizations, to institutions.  We develop political and survival skills and often become very attached and even derive our identities from our teams, companies, religions, political parties, and tribes.

In today’s broadcast, I am going to lift the veil of what is behind institutional power, and reveal the power that drives it, and offer an amazing alternative.

Join me now for this very challenging podcast that asks us to reframe everything and usher in a New World.

154- The Illusion of Spiritual Practice


“Do you have a spiritual practice?”

That question is like asking if you like your pet.  In spirituality, people slip into one of two ditches: Taking spiritual practice way too seriously, or not taking it seriously at all.

In today’s podcast I share my experience with many diverse spiritual practices and what I’ve learned through my quest. You’ll be just as surprised as I was to discover that every spiritual practice creates an illusion that must be overcome, or the practice becomes void.

Join me now as we learn what is beyond our spiritual containers, to understand our connection to their divine contents.

153-Don’t Ignore Your Discontent


“How often to you experience discontent over something?

If you are like most people, you are discontent with a number of things each and every day. From politics to our cappuccino, discontent emerges within all of us. So what is it saying?

In this podcast and post, I explore why so many of us have learned how to ignore our feelings of discontent. I then offer why ignoring these feelings is not always the best approach. Join me now as we see beyond our discontent and explore why it just may be the answer to your prayers.

To those who can hear the tune…


“Have you ever struggled to find words to describe something that is ultimately indescribable?”

 In today’s podcast I’m going to take a poetic approach in an effort to get at the heart of this online ministry.  From my first post in February of 2013 my blog and now my 152ndpodcast has served to help people look critically at their frameworks and ask the hard questions of faith, religion, and belief systems in the modern age.

As consciousness increases, the old wineskins and frameworks can no longer contain what is growing inside and new ways of understanding the old Truth must displace the familiar forms.

Join me now as I share the metaphor of following a sound to help us tune into our own inner experience and follow the liberating path of the Exile.

151- Poor Religious Performance is Good News for the World


“Have you ever noticed that most people are not very good at religion?”

Today we return exclusively to the Podcast world and examine how even though we hear religious people talking, blogging and posting, about the issues facing our world, when we get behind the scenes, most are not very religious at all.

This may end up being a good thing for the world. Join me now as we see beyond Oz’s curtain and all the religious containers in favor of a universal faith that can be shared and accessed by everyone, even those who suck at religion.

Pay Attention to How you Pay Attention…


“Why are some people resistant to God and spirituality while others are tuned in to it?

In today’s broadcast, we examine the parables the Sower and the Lamp under the Jar. Too often these are taught separately and the result is a tribal message that separates people between innies and outies.

Join me now as we see beyond that which is hidden in a parable so that we can see all that is being revealed. Namely, that the parable reflects a process and not fixed states of being. It takes a special kind of consciousness to see consciousness, and that is precisely the point of the story.

Pigs and Another Dimension…


“Are demons depicted in the TV show Ghost Adventures a real thing? Is there really another dimension to reality that most people can’t see?”

 In today’s broadcast we explore a story where a bunch of demons have possessed a man and he torments the town.  No, this isn’t a B-level horror film, this is right out of the bible. While we can learn something about ancient beliefs in demons, this story allows us to learn something else about the town and ourselves.

Join me now as we see beyond the legion of demons into a dimension of reality that if accessed, can really transform our lives.

Calling Women Dogs…


“Is it ever ok for a leader to call a woman a dog?”

 Last week President Trump called a former staff member a dog among other insults. Both sides of the isle have chimed in as they usually do, aligning with their own traditionsand preferences.

In today’s broadcast, we explore a very confusing story where Jesus calls a foreign woman a dog. What first appears as apathy and insult opens up a story that will free us from our juvenile bigotry and unredeemed pain.

Join me now as we see past the insult into its intended audience, namely those that would ignore the commandment to love for the sake of their tradition and tribe.


Gates, Roads, and Authenticity


“Did the rock band AC/DC get it right? Is there a Highway to Hell?”

 Today we return to our examination of bible stories with the goal of hearing them again for the very first time. Religion has latched on to the ultimate binary of Heaven and Hell an has used them as a threat to create fear and make converts.

But what if there is another framework through which we can see these teachings? In today’s broadcast we import last weeks framework of the Fake Id to reveal some surprising nuances that will hopefully awaken us from our anesthesia.

Join me now as we see beyond the gates, and discover the suffering of a living hell, which emerges from not knowing our true name.