Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.

19- Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation



We take our breathing for granted.  Exhaling is not simply an aspect of breathing. It is the very first step of dying. The fragility of our lives hangs on whether inspiration takes place within seconds. In this podcast I look closer at our breathing and invite you to try an exercise that has the power to transform your entire life.

18-The Holiday Portal



The holidays are a time where multiple trajectories all intersect. Is it any wonder the energy of the season is so powerful? Have you ever considered why? In this podcast I explore the rhythm of gathering and scattering and use it to tap into the true source of power that unites all of us. Hopefully it will free us to connect more deeply and to find unity within the midst of such diversity.

17- The Middle People



We live in a world with extreme perspectives. Those who polarize toward one side of the discussion usually have low tolerance for those in the middle. People who can “see both sides” are seen as “lukewarm” or as noncommittal.  In this podcast I build a case that those who shift toward the middle are not lukewarm, but centered. This migration is a hallmark for the true progress of the world. It isn’t apathy, but a wider consciousness that refuses to see the world in dualities.

16- Painful Reality



Many question how a God could exist when there is so much pain and suffering in the world, or they have concluded that if a God does exist he/she is either not loving or not powerful.  In this podcast I weave a few vital threads together in order to help illuminate the portal of pain and how we can gain a new category of Ultimate Reality through our pain experience.

15-Fear, Red Bull, & Faith


Fear can stop us in our tracks and stall out our lives. Our relationship to fear is a great lens to see some of our spiritual realities. Many live religious lives but because of fear they risk nothing and are never shaped into their best self. The unbeliever who ignores diminishes spiritual realities also risks nothing and settles for the small self. If we would really live abundantly, we must be shaped by the big wave and that is where Red Bull and e

Shedding Confusion



We all possess a set of categories through which we understand life and the world. Confusion is essentially immaturity in any particular category. Confusion comes at a great cost to a life that is full and free. The antidote is to be a learner or student. This requires humility to learn from a teacher. The goal is to stay humble and learning so that we are ever widening our categories. We must strive never to become certain and fixed in any category, for that is the end of growth.  Certain people lack life. If we can be confident yet humble we will inherit everything.

13-Bible Thumpers and Rejectors



Why is the bible so important to some people while it is worthless to others? Is the bible regressive or progressive? It comes down to theology, but what is that? In this episode, I show that the bible thumper and the rejector are actually the same. I also show that theology doesn’t come from the bible, but the bible comes from a theology of Love. Thus there are people who reject the bible because they are so committed to what the bible teaches. You’ll have to listen to figure this out.

12-More on the Moment



If a moment is anything but just a passing second, if it is a portal through which God loves us IN and AS our very lives, then what does it look like to live consciously aware of this reality.  In this podcast I show my experience which proves we can not DO anything to abide in the moment, we can only BE with the moment.


11-What is inside a Moment?



We are all searching for a moment. It is different for all of us, but we are all longing for some moment to come to pass at some time. What if the moment is so much more than a brief emotional elation? What if a moment is a portal through which we touch transcendent reality? In this episode I show just what is packed inside of each moment and this illuminates the true nature of sorrow along with a path out of it.