452-Rome 27: An Alternative Way to Live

“What if World Peace was actually possible? If so, most would assume we’d need a world system to provide it. That’s precisely where we go wrong.

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series in Paul’s letter to Rome, where we will examine Paul’s alternative lifestyle of faith, for those who are free from the overreach of institutional power.

Join me now as we hear this instruction just as his audience heard it, and discover that a life of faith is supposed to transform the world

451-Rome 26: Cut Off and Grafted Inn

“What is the point of all of our sinning? Does God have anything to do with it? If you answered “No,” then Paul has a message for you.”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in the book of Romans, concluding Paul’s three-chapter theology clinic. We’ll discover that Paul’s doctrine is very different than that of modern Evangelicalism, leaving us with some big things to consider.

Join me now as Paul explains why God consigns everyone to a life of disobedience, and it’s not to send us to Hell.

450-Rome 25: Does God Reject People?

“Is there only one way to faith in God? That’s a loaded question, which fundamentalists from every religion are certain they alone possess. But what does the bible say?”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans examining Paul’s message to the religious, revealing that they didn’t have the only path to God. It was a scandal then and remains one now.

Join me now as Paul uses the Hebrew scripture to reveal how God has always included all comers into his salvation plan, and how faith frees us from religion.

449-Rome 24: Faith Comes From Hearing

“The verse which say: “Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of Christ.” Is often interpreted as proof text for the necessity of sermons in church. But what if it saying something more?

In today’s podcast and post we look closely at Paul’s thesis about salvation and faith, and discover that neither are the result of religion. So what does this often quoted verse mean?

Join me now as Paul’s workflow opens up a tiny little nuance which is so easy to miss…And that’s precisely Paul’s point.

448-Rome 23: What is Salvation?

“What does it mean to “be saved?” If your definition comes from religion, prepare to be shocked.

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans examining Paul’s definition of salvation, comparing it to that of evangelicalism. Then I’ll take the time to walk you through the biblical revelation that has been hiding in plain sight.

Join me now as I unwind 2000 years of church history in the hope that all comers can rediscover what salvation is all about.

447-Sarah McCammon-The Exvangelicals (Interview)

Today is a special podcast where I interview Sarah McCammon, a political correspondent for NPR and author of the New York Times Bestseller, “The Exvangelicals.” Join us in our discussion about her experiences writing the book and becoming an Evangelical and what that has meant for her and so many people. We riff about the subtitle, church culture, religion, and the common things which make people leave the church. Sarah’s book resonates with so many people because she has done the journalistic work to support her claims and more than that, has lived in and through the tensions that this stirring within has brought about. In invite you to grab a copy of her book and check out this interview.

446-The Annihilation of the Self

This is a special addition for my podcast audience. It’s a free flowing stream of contemplative observations surround the discovery of our True Self. It serves to fortify frameworks we’ve discovered in between Romans 9 and 10. I hope you’ll receive this in the heart of love and service in which it is intended. We can find our true self, not by addition or subtraction, but by complete annihilation, by vanishing into God.

445- Rome 22: Ending Religion Is Highly Offensive

“Ever wonder why people get so offended? The more over-identified a person is with something, the more offended they will be if you question it.

Today we continue our series in Romans examining the Rock of Offense. The scandal of the New Testament is that it doesn’t put us into a religion, but delivers us from all of them. 

Join me now as we discover why the bible says that Christ is the end of religion, and why that is so offensive to us.

444-Rome 21: Chosen and Hated

“What does it mean to be Chosen by God? Does God really hate some people?

In today’s podcast and post we examine the chapter in the Bible that is responsible for more church splits, and arguments than any other, only this time it will be different.

Join me now as we take an unflinching look at Paul’s course in Theology, and discover that it’s not a threat as much as it is a validation of who we are in God.

443-Rome 20: God is FOR Us…

“What does it mean when Paul says: “God is FOR us.” And why does religion insist God is only for those on his team?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans examining one of the most encouraging passages in scripture, and how religion has shrunk it’s big message, constraining it into a backward framework.

Join me now as I do my best to bring to you the scale and proportion of this Good News, so that we can all possess these words of Life.