Tag Archives: Romans

444-Rome 21: Chosen and Hated

“What does it mean to be Chosen by God? Does God really hate some people?

In today’s podcast and post we examine the chapter in the Bible that is responsible for more church splits, and arguments than any other, only this time it will be different.

Join me now as we take an unflinching look at Paul’s course in Theology, and discover that it’s not a threat as much as it is a validation of who we are in God.

442-Rome 19: Groanings Beyond Comparison

“Why is delaying gratification so difficult, but also so beneficial to our lives?” Why do so many of us choose a tiny bit of good now, instead of an in-comprehendible amount of good later?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans with another layer in chapter 8.  Paul illuminates a way to think and live that is so much bigger than religion.

Join me now as we compare Paul’s definition of salvation to that of modern religion, and ask ourselves why we would ever settle for a personal transaction, when we are offered a cosmic transformation?

438-Rome 17: Setting The Mind

“What does it mean to set our minds on something? And why doesn’t our world consider this a spiritual practice?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series in Romans, considering Paul’s admonishment against setting our minds on the things of the flesh. 

Join me now as we discover that the battle between our flesh and spirit is not for the appearance of moral superiority, but is the very means by which all things will be renewed.

435- Rome 14: Faith Despite Sin

“What does it mean to have ‘freedom from sin?’ Paul’s answer may shock you because it would not likely  be accepted in most modern churches.

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans finishing up chapter 6 with a look at Paul’s framework for inner and outer freedom. Paul’s letter is hitting its stride, and if you are staying with it, prepare for your mind to expand.

Join me now as we discover how freedom is an alternative captivity that is based upon the compulsion of love rather than the obligation of our appetites.

434-Rome 13: If God Justifies All, Why Even Try?

“If God has justified all people, then what’s the point of trying to live morally? Why not just let everyone do whatever they want?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series examining Paul’s letter to Rome, with a look at the pushback that his religious audience is giving. What is it about the Gospel that causes the religious mind to reject its inclusivity? Why doesn’t it make sense to some?

Join me now as we learn Paul’s framework for how this all plays out, and why so many prefer religion to the Gospel.

433-Rome 12: Good News is Actually Good for ALL

“If the Gospel is called the Good News, then why isn’t it good for so many in our world? Is it possible, that religion has distorted the Gospel to the point that we no longer recognize it? 

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series examining Paul’s letter to Rome. We’ll examine the original text and clearly follow Paul’s defense of his Good News which said: “All people are made right with God.”…something religion rejects.

Join me now as Paul reasons with the religious mind and invites all comers into a larger and freer understanding of faith.

432-Rome 11: Paul Explains How ALL Are Justified

“What is your reaction when I say: “Everyone has been put right with God.” How does this idea sit with your religion or theology? 

Today we continue in our series exploring the book of Romans with Paul’s defense to the religious mind that ALL ARE JUSTIFIED or “put right” with God. Chapters 5 and 6 exist because just like today, Paul’s religious audience follows Plato more than Christ.

Join me now as I provide a metaphor for how Paul’s Gospel is both totally inclusive without being a Universalist, and extremely exclusive without being a fundamentalist.

429- Rome 9: Paul’s Big But…

“We’ve all heard preachers quote: ‘We’ve all sinned and fallen short…’, but almost none of them will say that all are made right with God. Have you ever wondered why modern religion rejects this idea, even though Paul labors to prove it?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Paul’s letter to Rome, with a look at the second half of chapter three. I’ll explain the common assumptions which cause modern theology to go off course.

Join me now as we reveal that faith is not a threshold for entry into a world religion, but a Christological continuum that includes everyone.

425-Rome 6-Paul Deconstructs Religion

“Is there only one true religion? If so, why does every religion claim to be the true one?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in the book of Romans, as Paul turns his direction toward the religious mind. Paul deconstructs the outward displays of religious piety and shows how the non-religious person can be more righteous depending upon what’s in his or her heart.

Join me now as Paul drives us to the point of asking “Then what’s the point of religion?” as he sets us up for chapter three.

424-Rome 5-The Lost and Found

“Is there really a big difference in morality between religious and irreligious people? 

Today we continue our series in Romans with Paul’s answer to this question. We’ll learn that the difference is not found in our moral behavior, but in the source of our identity.

Join me now as Paul deconstructs everyone’s claim to be superior to anyone else, and why seeing people as saved or unsaved takes everyone down the wrong path.