7-Part 2- The Issue is NOT Homosexuality


In this second part of the series, I examine the real issue for most Christian people, Authority. While most use biblical authority as their justification against homosexuality, I prove that at best anyone is only a partial believer. All people pick and choose the parts they will believe and apply to life. Furthermore, the work of bible interpretation is not as easy as one thinks and causes us to move away from the a literal “black and white” approach.

6-Part 1- The Issue is NOT Homosexuality


It would seem that the issue of homosexuality is dividing families, churches, politics and our culture. It is assumed my most in the church or religious communities that anyone who is affirming of homosexuality is so because they have turned loose of their bibles and no longer see it as authoritative.  I introduce this subject by showing how my ideas have changed on this subject and how I got there, not by turning loose of my bible, but by going deeper. This podcast series provides new aspects to the discussion, not the same old tired arguments. It is not so much “what” we think but “how” we think that causes so much confusion.

5-CANCER and other TINY things that are HUGE.


In this episode, I broadcast from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) conference in Chicago. I talk about what Cancer is, how it is cured and I show you other areas of life that are just like cancer and how we can apply similar approaches to curing them. The result is the ability to live and no longer suffer and die from the effects of tiny changes.


4-Musings from Heidelberg


This episode of the KevKast broadcasts right from Heidelberg, Germany. I challenge the notion that the European church is an empty relic or a shell. Though the historical buildings are primarily vacant, it is not due to irrelevancy. Instead, the culture is no longer highjacked by the the religious delivery system of the historical church. They are liberated by the gospel into fully enjoying their lives in coffee shops, long lunches, parks and deep conversations over fine wine and food.  Furthermore, their pursuits have a strong connection to the core and foundational messages of the gospel and they see those principals as best broadcast via living, than by bludgening.

3-Religions and Kingdoms


In this episode of the KevKast, I share my experience on the inside of religious systems and why I completely understand contemporary sentiments about organized religion. In those systems the doubters are the outsiders, but perhaps those are the people who actually see something far better than a religion, they see a kingdom instead.

2-Going & Leaving


In this second podcast, I ask the question: “What is it that causes some people to leave things?”  I believe we are all being called to “Go and leave our kindred” just like Abraham.  Unfortunately, I think the Church may have told you that leaving is a sin.  I believe that heeding the call to “go” our “come forth” out of our formative containers, religious systems, and frameworks is the voice of God calling us to our best self. Leaving will put you square into exile where your false self will die and your true self will live.

1-What is the KevKast?

In this first episode, I share a bit about my background and why I am offering this podcast. There is a big world out there and we don’t share the same beliefs.  There is a path forward for all of us and its not through fighting, arguing, or invalidating others. Transformation begins on the inside and moves outward.

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