Tag Archives: 2

475-Fix Your Faith 2: Our Prayer Life Sucks

“How would you describe your “prayer life?” Do you essentially pray the same thing every time? Are you inconsistent or are your prayers just a list of requests?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled “Fix Your Faith” by following Christ’s example of withdrawing from people to pray in secret. We’ll learn why prayer is not a ritual that we use for requests, but something much deeper.

Join me now as we fix our prayer life by looking closer at those moments when we think we are talking to ourselves, and extend that conversation into the entirety of life.

414-Marriage Tune Up 2- Establish or Empty Oneself

“If I could show you how to avoid the pain of a bad relationship, would you actually consider my advice? Well, I can…but will you?

In today’s podcast and post we reach part 2 of our Marriage Tune Up with a comparison between two opposite philosophies about marriage. In one the focus is the development of self, the other is the death of self.

Join me now as we see why the real divorce rate is almost as high as the marriage rate, and I offer a five minute fix to every marriage that almost no one will try.

292-Power of Parenting 2- Ownership vs Stewardship

“We know parents are responsible for their children, but does that mean parents own their kids?”

In today’s podcast and post we continue with our series on the Power of Parenting with a second philosophical consideration which dramatically alters how we parent. Are children a parent’s prized possession, or are parents entrusted to be stewards of what ultimately does not belong to them?

Join me now as we see beyond our underlying parenting philosophies and learn how to bring healing to our children, our family, and our world.

244- One World 2-Science, Data and the search for Truth

“How much FAITH do you put in science?”

If you are like most people, the answer is: “a lot.” But is science worthy of this kind of loyalty and trust? In today’s podcast and post, we continue part 2 of our “One World” series where we take a critical look at science.

Join me now as we deconstruct the religion of science and expose why facts and data don’t mean that much to our world anymore. Despite all the good that science provides, we will see beyond its truth claims and examine precisely why science cannot lead our troubled world into peace.