Tag Archives: Authority

480-Fix Your Faith: Politically Over-Identified

“Do you think that the bible aligns more with conservative politics or liberal politics? If you feel the answer is very clear, then guess what?…You’ve taken the mark of the Beast.”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled “Fix Your Faith” with an examination of the authority of politics and the State. Influencers and commentors love to use the Bible for their political end, but don’t be so easily convinced.

Join me now as I show you the persona behind politics and how to you can become free from your slavery to it.

474- Fix Your Faith 1: Meet Satan

“When you face a decision point in life, how do you know how to make the right choice? What if you discover that you had already made a dire mistake, but it didn’t seem like a big deal at the time?

Today we launch our series entitled; “Fix Your Faith” with a journey back in life to the point where we surveyed the kingdoms of the world and picked a life to strive after. Without realizing it, many of our lives got derailed and we don’t even know it?

Join me now as we go back into that place where we think we are totally alone, and examine that person who wants to make a name for themselves.